Announce: bzrtools-44

John A Meinel john at
Wed May 25 16:45:26 BST 2005

Aaron Bentley wrote:

> Hi all,
> Bzrtools revision 44 is now available here:
> baz2bzr
> =======
> Now works with the official bzr distribution (it required a function
> which is now merged).
> bzr-push & bzr-pull
> ===================
> Now use the same URLs as input, so no chance of confusion.  However, you
> still can't do bzr commit, bzr-push, bzr-pull, because bzr-pull will be
> upset that the last-committed revision doesn't match the last revision
> it got from the URL.  Hopefully, bzr-pull will be obsolete soon.
> Aaron

baz2bzr has a problem when /tmp is not on the same filesystem as the
current working directory. So on line 235 just change os.rename(revdir,
output_dir) to shutil.move(revdir, outputdir)

Also, it has difficulties if you don't have the complete ancestry of the
branch registered. I'm thinking to catch the exception, and then
continuing. Is that a reasonable thing to do, or do you want baz2bzr to
only include complete histories?


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