Design goals of bazaar-ng

John A Meinel john at
Wed May 18 16:25:36 BST 2005

Erik Bågfors wrote:

>On 5/18/05, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
>>On 18 May 2005, Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at> wrote:
>>>Is there any description of the goals for bazaar-ng?
>>There are some in the doc/ section of the web site.  Please ask if
>>anything is unclear -- they are slightly out of date.
>I actually have a question regarding something that I asked you in Sydney.
>In darcs, it's very convinient moving individual changes between
>branches.  You can do that and still keep history, logs, commiters
>etc.  If I remember correctly you said that you planed for something
>like that in bzr.  Is there any thought around this in bzr? I can't
>find it in any document.
 From what I remember in the documentation and the mailing list, there 
is still the discussion of how to do this right.

When merging, if an exact merge works, then there should be no problem 
adding that entry to the "archive". If you have a fuzzy merge, but no 
conflicts, this is likely to also just be added. But if there are 
conflicts, obviously that merge cannot be taken as is.

There was also the desire to have arch style "roll-up" merges. Where you 
are able to take all 150 patches from someone, and bundle them up and 
say "I took all of this person's work, and here is the summary change".

I guess I would argue for having a flag to merge so that you could do:

"bzr merge --rollup",
or "bzr merge --no-commit",
or "bzr merge --no-auto-add"

How should it be handled if you merge 10 patches, and the last one 
conflicts? Should the previous 9 be automatically added, and the 10th 
require a fixup and commit? Or should all 9 be backed out. I can see use 
cases for both. Sometimes the patch-10 is the important one, and you 
don't want 1-9 without it. And sometimes you want everything, and it 
just happens that one conflicts.

I believe that the short form is that, "Yes, bzr will support merging 
and saving the original author." But how all of that will happen still 
needs to be figured out.


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