Design goals of bazaar-ng

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed May 18 13:53:46 BST 2005

On 18 May 2005, Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at> wrote:
> Is there any description of the goals for bazaar-ng?  

There are some in the doc/ section of the web site.  Please ask if
anything is unclear -- they are slightly out of date.

> I am currently using
> darcs, and am very happy with it, but I'm interested in bazaar-ng mainly
> because I am familiar with python, and not with haskell.  Is bazaar-ng
> going to be similar to darcs (e.g., distributed?)


Yes, it's going to be distributed in a similar way to darcs.  The main
difference from darcs, other than being in Python, is that bzr puts a
high priority on keeping an accurate and precise record of history.
(c.f. the introduction to the darcs manual.)

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