[PATCH] bzr log --revision allows ranges

Erik Bågfors zindar at gmail.com
Sun May 15 11:49:47 BST 2005

> Are there any other decent possibilities? What about '~', it doesn't
> conflict with uuids, it looks like it could describe a range, and it
> also doesn't have a potential conflict with negative numbers.

No, ~ means "approximately" in alot of cases.  If I were to tell
someone "that was done in revision ~104".  That means it was added in
about that revision number.  I think it will be confusing if we add
another meaning to it.

> I actually would really like to be able to say "give me the last 5 logs"
> and give "bzr log -r -5". And you're right, that this doesn't have to be
> ambiguous if someone wants to get upto something, they can do 1-5. But
> what about give me from 5 ago until 2 ago ie "-5:-2".

I think this is very usefull. svn uses : already, so lot's of people
are used to it.

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