[PATCH] bzr log --revision allows ranges

Rusty Russell rusty at rustcorp.com.au
Sun May 15 04:16:21 BST 2005

On Sat, 2005-05-14 at 09:42 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> I updated bzr log so that you could supply a range of revisions to
> print. At the same time, I updated -r so that it can take a colon
> separated list of revisions.

Please, please.  We used colons in iptables, and I always regretted it.
Please use "-". Since "1" is a lower bound *always*, the "-5" case is
just silly anyway.

>     bzr log -r uuid:blah-blah-blah
>     bzr log -r hash:blahblahblah
>     bzr log -r tag:blah

Sure, colons are the right choice here.

A bad analogy is like a leaky screwdriver -- Richard Braakman

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