french translation of tutorial

Lele Gaifax lele at
Fri May 13 07:42:31 BST 2005

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Pool <mbp at> writes:

    Martin> The tutorial is written directly in HTML; there is no ReST
    Martin> source.

    Martin> (I couldn't find a reasonable way to insert the navigation
    Martin> bar into ReST output.  If anyone knows how please let me
    Martin> know.)

A very simple approach is what I used for the Zope Book:

Basically, at the top and bottom of the reST source for each chapter I
included the navigation stuff like this:

  .. include:: navigation.rst

that contains something like

  .. topic:: Navigation
     :class: nav-bar

     | `Prev chap`_: |PrevChap| | `Top`_ | `Next chap`_: |NextChap| |

  .. _Top: zb.html 

The document that includes it is responsible to define the prev/next
links, for example chap1 may say:

  .. _prev chap: intro.html
  .. |PrevChap| replace:: Introduction

  .. _next chap: chap2.html
  .. |NextChap| replace:: Chapter 2

ciao, lele.
nickname: Lele Gaifax	| Quando vivrò di quello che ho pensato ieri
real: Emanuele Gaifas	| comincerò ad aver paura di chi mi copia.
email: lele at	|		-- Fortunato Depero, 1929.

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