[EXTENSION] nextgen: keeping bzr up-to-date

Rusty Russell rusty at rustcorp.com.au
Fri May 13 06:10:56 BST 2005

Ever wanted to make sure your copy of bzr was up-to-date?  This
extension, called "nextgen" automatically rsync to bazaar-ng.org and
updates your copy of bzr.  With --verbose, prints changelog.

1) Create a bzr extensions directory, eg
	mkdir -p $HOME/bin/bzrpath

2) Set the BZRPATH environment variable in your .bashrc and current
shell, eg,
	echo BZRPATH=$HOME/bin/bzrpath >> $HOME/.bashrc
	echo export BZRPATH >> $HOME/.bashrc
	. $HOME/.bashrc

3) Drop "nextgen" into that directory, and make it executable, eg:
	cp /tmp/nextgen $HOME/bin/bzrpath
	chmod a+x $HOME/bin/bzrpath/nextgen

4) Test it out by reading the documentation, eg:
	bzr help nextgen

5) Run the command to update bzr:
	bzr --verbose nextgen

PS.  Updates itself, too unless you edit it: see help.
A bad analogy is like a leaky screwdriver -- Richard Braakman

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