A first patch

Sean E. Russell ser at germane-software.com
Sat Apr 23 14:28:32 BST 2005


I apologize if this isn't the appropriate place to post patches

I'm attaching a patch that adds a (trivial) bzr command 'introduce'.  While 
I'm a software developer with quite a bit of experience, I don't do Python 
and don't know the bzr code, so I thought I'd start small and work my way up.  
Since I'm most interested in partial commits, if I do any more work with bzr, 
it'll be to implement those; although, 'send' and 'pull' are both pretty 
important to me.

The supplied patch provides an almost insignificant feature: creating 
the .bzr.conf directory and writing the email file.  This, so the user 
doesn't have to do it by hand.  Usage is as follows:

	bzr introduce "Tom Bombadil <earthgod at middleearth.net>"

Apply or ignore the patch as you will; as I said, I'm just getting a feel for 
the code before I dive into deeper subjects.  Is anybody working on partial 
commits, 'send', or 'pull'?  I don't want to duplicate effort.

For the record, bzr is interesting to me for several reason:

1) The dependencies are reasonable; I tried installing 'rt' the other day, 
which reaffirmed my dislike of CPAN and projects which have, literally, 
dozens of dependencies.  I don't know if bzr will be able to maintain a zero 
dependency list (I don't count the dependency on Python itself), but so far, 
it is a good start.

2) I primarily use subversion; however, there are a small number of 
open-source projects I've created and maintain.  For these, where there is a 
single project "owner" and integrator, a patchset based tool is easier.  I've 
historically used darcs, and the main feature of darcs that I like is partial 
commits.  However, I've recently been working on an AMD64 laptop, and GHC is 
painful on x86_64, and I haven't been able to compile darcs yet, and if I can 
get partial commits, 'send', and 'pull' working, bzr looks like it will be a 
decent alternative.  Also, darcs has scalability issues that I'm not 
convinced are addressable with the current design.

3) I'm not a big fan of Python, but I'm much more likely to contribute patches 
against Python than, say, C.

4) Finally, the bzr developers, in the various design documents, are thinking 
about most of the right issues.  IMHO.  The fact that I agree with most of 
the musings in the design documents gives me hope that bzr will evolve in a 
directions that are important to me.

Has anybody tried to pull in the Linux kernel, to test the speed of bzr?

--- SER

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, 
more and more closely, the inner soul of the people.  On some 
great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach 
their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned 
by a downright moron."        -  H.L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)
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