Merge progress

Aaron Bentley at
Wed Apr 20 23:44:14 BST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Harri Salokorpi wrote:
| On Thursday 21 April 2005 00:19, you wrote:

|>But when I'm done, I expect the common case to be
|>bzr merge ../other
|>That would determine the BASE revision by scanning the cwd and ../other,
|>and determining who merged who last.
| I think mainline maintainers like Martin will just pick a small set of
| instead of doing full merge. Those tracking the mainline will probably
| you said) just merge all changes.

Could be.  I often make feature branches so that the upstream can just
merge the whole feature branch in one go.  I guess I'm also used to
Arch, which makes it fairly easy to cherrypick one revision.

|>Or even
|>bzr merge
|>That would merge from the branch I branched from, or from whatever I
|>merged from last.
| That sounds like a convenient way of shooting yourself into foot if
you have
| uncommitted local changes :)

The auto-selected BASE would be the tree for a previously committed
revision.  Any differences between THIS and BASE would be preserved, or
at worst, produce conflicts.  So nothing is lost, but it mingles local
changes with merged changes, which is rarely what you want.

| Some tools show help if operation is called
| without parameters (svn co, for example),

Many tools don't, however, including many bzr sub-commands.  I expect
"foo -h" to show me help.

| so someone unfamiliar with bzr
| might nuke his local changes by accident unless some kind of safeguard
is put
| in place (refuse to merge if there are uncommitted local changes).

Adding a safeguard to the merge command is fine by me.

| However, that kind of shortcut should be quite useful if you are just
| upstream with few minor changes in your local branch.

Yes, I have something like that in Fai, (including the local-changes
safeguard) and it's quite convenient.

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