
Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Apr 13 13:08:29 BST 2005

Paul Jakma wrote:

> 3. .bzrignore entries are recursive
> This last one is a real killer. Say we have 'INSTALL' listed in the .bzrignore file in the 
> top-level directory of a project, because the top-level INSTALL file will be provided by 
> autoconf/automake, so the INSTALL file in the top-level directory is (rightfully) ignored, 
> however, it also ignores subdir/INSTALL unfortunately..
> How do i undo this?

according to the tutorial (http://www.bazaar-ng.org/tutorial.html)


should do what you want ("If a glob contains a slash, it is matched against the whole
path from the top of the tree; otherwise it is matched against only the filename.")


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