line endings and Cygwin
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at
Tue Apr 12 09:45:28 BST 2005
I'm have some difficulties with bzr on Windows (bzr unable to work with
files in subdirectories because os.sep for Windows is '\\' not '/').
So I run bzr on Cygwin. On cygwin I have trouble with 'bzr status'
command (log info from .bzr.log):
bzr: exception: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
'/cygdrive/e/temp/filename/.bzr/revision-store/bialix at bialix-20050412073931-40090f94a636f00b\r'
(see $HOME/.bzr.log for debug information)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/bialix/bzr/", line 1002, in main
ret = run_bzr(argv)
File "/home/bialix/bzr/", line 988, in run_bzr
return cmd_handler(**cmdargs) or 0
File "/home/bialix/bzr/", line 131, in
File "/home/bialix/bzr/", line 870, in
old = self.basis_tree()
File "/home/bialix/bzr/", line 696, in basis_tree
return RevisionTree(self.text_store, self.get_revision_inventory(r))
File "/home/bialix/bzr/", line 606, in
return self.get_inventory(self.get_revision(revision_id).inventory_id)
File "/home/bialix/bzr/", line 586, in
r = Revision.read_xml(self.revision_store[revision_id])
File "/home/bialix/bzr/", line 136, in __getitem__
return file(p, 'rb')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
'/cygdrive/e/temp/filename/.bzr/revision-store/bialix at bialix-20050412073931-40090f94a636f00b\r'
As you see in the end of filename with id presents '\r' symbol. It is
strange, but `revision-history` file is created with line-endings
'\r\n'. Workaround for this very simple: we can open text file by
default with mode 'rU' (universal line-endings). I change default mode
in function `controlfile` of class `Branch` in this manner:
def controlfile(self, file_or_path, mode='rU'):
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