Erik Bågfors zindar at
Thu Apr 7 11:49:27 BST 2005

On Apr 7, 2005 12:16 PM, Peter Funk <pf at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just stumbled over bazaar-ng and think it looking very promising.  But:
> IMHO: this should be added to the FAQ:

It's somewhat early for that I think. CVS 2 BZR converters will be
written (I have already done one for darcs, but it was just a quick
>  Is (will) it be possbile to migrate existing CVS-repositories into bzr?


>  What kind of data loss is to be expected when doing so?

None, just remember that bzr works in a differnent way. It's changeset
oriented and cvs isn't. Also cvs "tags" inside the files will not work
(I assume).  $Id$ for example.


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