bazaar-ng news

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Apr 6 04:57:30 BST 2005


[please forward to whoever you think is interested]

In the last few weeks:

* File-rename operations work.

* Reinstated the integrity checker. 

* I was accepted to do a talk about bazaar-ng at LCA05 and I started
preparing it.

* I made three bzr releases, and got the web site and mailing list
running.  About five people have sent back patches, mostly for
portability problems.

* I did a lot of benchmarks on kernel trees.  I think bazaar-ng is
approximately the fastest tool at the moment (but I haven't done
rigorous comparisons).  At any rate it is fast enough.

* I demonstrated it to kernel and gcc hackers, who have been favourably
impressed with the speed, simplicity and friendliness and are on my case
to get it ready for them.

* I've written some blog entries with more detail here:

* Much exchange of design ideas with Robert, who is adding -ng ideas to
  baz at a very impressive rate.

* Improved argument handling (e.g. can do "cd lib && bzr add foo.c" and
"bzr commit --help")

Before LCA I want to:

* Do remote clone operation.
* Do simple mergers.
* Prepare a good talk.


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