bazaar-ng and permissions

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Apr 4 01:43:30 BST 2005

On Mon, 2005-04-04 at 10:30 +1000, Geoff Crompton wrote: 
> Can I ask how file permissions are handled in bazaar-ng, or are going to 
> be handled?
> I ask because I'm interested in using revision control tools for 
> managing /etc directories. In this case file permissions are very 
> important, where as in your more traditional programming cases it is 
> less important.

The point of bzr is source code management, so it's not going to try to
replace rdist or similar systems.   But if we can accommodate it, that's

> I realise this causes interoperability issues. One thought I had was to 
> enable a per project option to enable file permissions revisioning, with 
> the understanding that it makes the project less portable.

It's not just portability.  For most source trees, managing permissions
(aside from an x bit) is not the right thing to do: i might have two
checkouts of the same tree, one which is group writable, and I don't
want to always get conflicts on the permissions.  Same for group

That said I think it would be OK to turn on permission tracking as a
per-file property.

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