[ANNOUNCE] bzr-loom plugin, support for developing patches

Robert Collins robert.collins at canonical.com
Thu Feb 21 06:53:11 GMT 2008

I'm happy to announce bzr-loom.

bzr-loom is a plugin for Bazaar which adds support for maintaining a
stack of related threads.  Looms are good for working on several
separate, but related features: for example, refactoring to facilitate a
new feature, and then developing the feature on top of that refactoring.

The loom plugin is released under the GNU GPL v2.

The launchpad URL is https://launchpad.net/bzr-loom/.

To get a copy of the looms development branch, 'bzr branch lp:bzr-loom',
or for the 1.2 release, 'bzr branch lp:bzr-loom/1.2'.

Looms are eminently usable today, though there is plenty for
contributors to do.

Discussion and further development of looms will take place on the main
bzr mailing list, <bazaar at lists.canonical.com>

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