[ANN] 0.17 Released

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Mon Jun 18 07:58:20 BST 2007

The Bazaar developers are happy to announce the release of Bazaar
0.17.  This release contains around a dozen bug fixes, better
documentation and some incremental performance improvements to status,
diff, commit, branch and checkout. Details are included in the attached

Note: While the number of bug fixes isn't large in this release, there
are some important dirstate regressions addressed. For this reason, it
is generally advisable to upgrade to this version if you are
encountering any bugs in this area.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed code, bug reports or
suggestions. Please keep them coming!

The Bazaar source, which works on any machine with Python 2.4 or 2.5,
can be downloaded from


Please contact us at bazaar at lists.canonical.com or in #bzr on freenode
with any questions, comments or problems. In particular, note that some
minor changes were made to the API which, in theory, could cause
problems with some plugins, though no such problems have been reported
against the Release Candidates to date. Details on those API changes are
included in the attached notes.

Windows installers will (hopefully) follow shortly.

Ian C. (on behalf of all the Bazaar developers)
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