[apparmor] Bug#914370: cups-daemon: AppArmor profile allows cupsd to create setuid binaries under /etc

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Sun Jan 27 20:37:37 UTC 2019

Control: severity -1 minor

Guten Abend Christian, hi again everyone!

(some AppArmor stuff first, then a question for the CUPS folks)

Christian Boltz:
> My guess is that John meant something like that:

> /etc/cups/** Cx -> trap,

>   profile trap {
>     # intentionally left empty
>   }

Ah, got it now, thanks!

If this can somehow be combined with the rule we already have:

  /etc/cups/** rw

… then I think this would be a suitable short-term workaround.

Jamie, IIRC you're one of the people regularly working on this
profile, how does this sound?

Finally, I would like to question the need for cupsd to have write
access to a world-readable directory, which is, as I understand it,
the root cause of the problem (once you assume it has to run as root
in the first place). I guess cupsd needs write access because it saves
config files there when one uses the web interface, and then by Debian
convention /etc/cups is world-readable. But perhaps one of these could
change, e.g. does /etc/cups really have to be world-readable?


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