[apparmor] [PATCH 7/8] utils: Add option to aa-easyprof to specify the apparmor_parser path

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Sun Feb 12 19:04:45 UTC 2017


Am Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2017, 22:01:44 CET schrieb Tyler Hicks:
> When testing against a clean system without the apparmor_parser binary
> installed, the test-aa-easyprof.py script ends up skipping profile
> verification because it can't find the parser binary. This even
> causes a test failure due to the
> test_genpolicy_invalid_template_policy test.
> Adding a --parser option to aa-easyprof is the first step in
> addressing this problem.

> --- a/utils/apparmor/easyprof.py
> +++ b/utils/apparmor/easyprof.py

> @@ -309,6 +306,14 @@ class AppArmorEasyProfile:
>          if os.path.isfile(self.conffile):
>              self._get_defaults()
> +        self.parser_path = '/sbin/apparmor_parser'
> +        if opt.parser_path:
> +            self.parser_path = opt.parser_path
> +        elif not os.path.exists(self.parser_path):
> +            rc, self.parser_path = cmd(['which', 'apparmor_parser'])
> +            if rc != 0:
> +                self.parser_path = None

I know you only moved code around, but - we have a nice which() function 
in aa.py ;-) which I'd prefer over calling an external command.

With or without this changed,
    Acked-by: Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de>


Christian Boltz
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