[apparmor] [patch] [40/38] Load all includes in aa-mergeprof ask_the_questions()

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Tue Sep 27 21:17:05 UTC 2016


aa-mergeprof empties 'includes' when running reset_aa(). The result is
    KeyError: 'abstractions/newly_added_abstraction'
if an include file gets added because it isn't part of 'includes' at
this time. Note that you'll need to add another rule after adding the
include to trigger checking the includes for superfluous rules.

This fixes the regression found by Steve - which isn't really a
regression, "just" one more thing that got more visible with the new
code. Before, it was just an ill-addressed hasher that didn't complain ;-)

[ 40-mergeprof-load-includes.diff ]

--- utils/aa-mergeprof  2016-09-21 22:12:58.020378129 +0200
+++ utils/aa-mergeprof  2016-09-27 22:56:12.112870612 +0200
@@ -251,6 +255,7 @@
         #Add the file-wide includes from the other profile to the user profile
+        apparmor.aa.loadincludes()
         done = False
         options = []


Christian Boltz
> > > Genau. [aus dem CVS] Killen.
> > Du darfst... (oder geht das mit LinCVS etwa nicht? ;-)
> Hohn und Spott perlen an mir ab. Ich hab es gelöscht.
Was? LinCVS? [> Ratti und Christian Boltz in fontlinge-devel]
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