[apparmor] [patch] parser: fix memory leaks in unit tests [resend]
Steve Beattie
steve at nxnw.org
Mon Jan 25 19:35:15 UTC 2016
This is a resend of patch meant to fix the unit test memory leaks found
by intrigeri in the following email thread:
The patch is unchanged from the original submission.
Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <steve at nxnw.org>
parser/parser_misc.c | 107 ++++++++++++++---------------------------------
parser/parser_regex.c | 66 +++++++++++++---------------
parser/parser_variable.c | 27 ++++++++++-
3 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)
Index: b/parser/parser_regex.c
--- a/parser/parser_regex.c
+++ b/parser/parser_regex.c
@@ -792,46 +792,40 @@ out:
#include "unit_test.h"
+#define MY_FILTER_TEST(input, expected_str) \
+ do { \
+ char *test_string = NULL; \
+ char *output_string = NULL; \
+ \
+ test_string = strdup((input)); \
+ filter_slashes(test_string); \
+ asprintf(&output_string, "simple filter / conversion for '%s'\texpected = '%s'\tresult = '%s'", \
+ (input), (expected_str), test_string); \
+ MY_TEST(strcmp(test_string, (expected_str)) == 0, output_string); \
+ \
+ free(test_string); \
+ free(output_string); \
+ } \
+ while (0)
static int test_filter_slashes(void)
int rc = 0;
- char *test_string;
- test_string = strdup("///foo//////f//oo////////////////");
- filter_slashes(test_string);
- MY_TEST(strcmp(test_string, "/foo/f/oo/") == 0, "simple tests");
- test_string = strdup("/foo/f/oo");
- filter_slashes(test_string);
- MY_TEST(strcmp(test_string, "/foo/f/oo") == 0, "simple test for no changes");
- test_string = strdup("/");
- filter_slashes(test_string);
- MY_TEST(strcmp(test_string, "/") == 0, "simple test for '/'");
- test_string = strdup("");
- filter_slashes(test_string);
- MY_TEST(strcmp(test_string, "") == 0, "simple test for ''");
- test_string = strdup("//usr");
- filter_slashes(test_string);
- MY_TEST(strcmp(test_string, "//usr") == 0, "simple test for // namespace");
- test_string = strdup("//");
- filter_slashes(test_string);
- MY_TEST(strcmp(test_string, "//") == 0, "simple test 2 for // namespace");
- test_string = strdup("///usr");
- filter_slashes(test_string);
- MY_TEST(strcmp(test_string, "/usr") == 0, "simple test for ///usr");
- test_string = strdup("///");
- filter_slashes(test_string);
- MY_TEST(strcmp(test_string, "/") == 0, "simple test for ///");
- test_string = strdup("/a/");
- filter_slashes(test_string);
- MY_TEST(strcmp(test_string, "/a/") == 0, "simple test for /a/");
+ MY_FILTER_TEST("///foo//////f//oo////////////////", "/foo/f/oo/");
+ MY_FILTER_TEST("/foo/f/oo", "/foo/f/oo");
+ MY_FILTER_TEST("/", "/");
+ MY_FILTER_TEST("", "");
+ /* tests for "//" namespace */
+ MY_FILTER_TEST("//usr", "//usr");
+ MY_FILTER_TEST("//", "//");
+ /* tests for not "//" namespace */
+ MY_FILTER_TEST("///usr", "/usr");
+ MY_FILTER_TEST("///", "/");
+ MY_FILTER_TEST("/a/", "/a/");
return rc;
Index: b/parser/parser_misc.c
--- a/parser/parser_misc.c
+++ b/parser/parser_misc.c
@@ -939,85 +939,40 @@ int test_str_to_boolean(void)
return rc;
+#define MY_TEST_UNQUOTED(input, expected, description) \
+ do { \
+ char *result_str = NULL; \
+ char *output_str = NULL; \
+ \
+ result_str = processunquoted((input), strlen((input))); \
+ asprintf(&output_str, "processunquoted: %s\tinput = '%s'\texpected = '%s'\tresult = '%s'", \
+ (description), (input), (expected), result_str); \
+ MY_TEST(strcmp((expected), result_str) == 0, output_str); \
+ \
+ free(output_str); \
+ free(result_str); \
+ } \
+ while(0)
int test_processunquoted(void)
int rc = 0;
- const char *teststring;
- const char *resultstring;
- teststring = "";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(teststring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on empty string");
- teststring = "\\1";
- resultstring = "\001";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on one digit octal");
- teststring = "\\8";
- resultstring = "\\8";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on invalid octal digit \\8");
- teststring = "\\18";
- resultstring = "\0018";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on one digit octal followed by invalid octal digit");
- teststring = "\\1a";
- resultstring = "\001a";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on one digit octal followed by hex digit a");
- teststring = "\\1z";
- resultstring = "\001z";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on one digit octal follow by char z");
- teststring = "\\11";
- resultstring = "\011";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on two digit octal");
- teststring = "\\118";
- resultstring = "\0118";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on two digit octal followed by invalid octal digit");
- teststring = "\\11a";
- resultstring = "\011a";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on two digit octal followed by hex digit a");
- teststring = "\\11z";
- resultstring = "\011z";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on two digit octal followed by char z");
- teststring = "\\111";
- resultstring = "\111";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on three digit octal");
- teststring = "\\378";
- resultstring = "\0378";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on three digit octal two large, taken as 2 digit octal plus trailing char");
- teststring = "123\\421123";
- resultstring = "123\0421123";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on two character octal followed by valid octal digit \\421");
- teststring = "123\\109123";
- resultstring = "123\109123";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on octal 109");
- teststring = "123\\1089123";
- resultstring = "123\1089123";
- MY_TEST(strcmp(resultstring, processunquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring))) == 0,
- "processunquoted on octal 108");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("", "", "empty string");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("\\1", "\001", "one digit octal");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("\\8", "\\8", "invalid octal digit \\8");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("\\18", "\0018", "one digit octal followed by invalid octal digit");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("\\1a", "\001a", "one digit octal followed by hex digit a");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("\\1z", "\001z", "one digit octal follow by char z");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("\\11", "\011", "two digit octal");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("\\118", "\0118", "two digit octal followed by invalid octal digit");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("\\11a", "\011a", "two digit octal followed by hex digit a");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("\\11z", "\011z", "two digit octal followed by char z");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("\\111", "\111", "three digit octal");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("\\378", "\0378", "three digit octal two large, taken as 2 digit octal plus trailing char");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("123\\421123", "123\0421123", "two character octal followed by valid octal digit \\421");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("123\\109123", "123\109123", "octal 109");
+ MY_TEST_UNQUOTED("123\\1089123", "123\1089123", "octal 108");
return rc;
@@ -1116,12 +1071,14 @@ int test_processquoted(void)
out = processquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring));
MY_TEST(strcmp(processedstring, out) == 0,
"processquoted passthrough quoted one digit trailing octal \\4");
+ free(out);
teststring = "\"abcdefg\\04\"";
processedstring = "abcdefg\004";
out = processquoted(teststring, strlen(teststring));
MY_TEST(strcmp(processedstring, out) == 0,
"processquoted passthrough quoted two digit trailing octal \\04");
+ free(out);
teststring = "\"abcdefg\\004\"";
processedstring = "abcdefg\004";
Index: b/parser/parser_variable.c
--- a/parser/parser_variable.c
+++ b/parser/parser_variable.c
@@ -384,6 +384,7 @@ int test_split_string(void)
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->var, var) == 0, "split string 1 var");
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->suffix, suffix) == 0, "split string 1 suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
asprintf(&tst_string, "@{%s}%s", var, suffix);
var_start = tst_string;
@@ -393,6 +394,7 @@ int test_split_string(void)
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->var, var) == 0, "split string 2 var");
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->suffix, suffix) == 0, "split string 2 suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
asprintf(&tst_string, "%s@{%s}", prefix, var);
var_start = tst_string + strlen(prefix);
@@ -402,6 +404,7 @@ int test_split_string(void)
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->var, var) == 0, "split string 3 var");
MY_TEST(ret_struct->suffix == NULL, "split string 3 suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
asprintf(&tst_string, "@{%s}", var);
var_start = tst_string;
@@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ int test_split_string(void)
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->var, var) == 0, "split string 4 var");
MY_TEST(ret_struct->suffix == NULL, "split string 4 suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
return rc;
@@ -433,6 +437,7 @@ int test_split_out_var(void)
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->var, var) == 0, "split out var 1 var");
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->suffix, suffix) == 0, "split out var 1 suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
/* no prefix */
asprintf(&tst_string, "@{%s}%s", var, suffix);
@@ -441,6 +446,7 @@ int test_split_out_var(void)
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->var, var) == 0, "split out var 2 var");
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->suffix, suffix) == 0, "split out var 2 suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
/* no suffix */
asprintf(&tst_string, "%s@{%s}", prefix, var);
@@ -449,6 +455,7 @@ int test_split_out_var(void)
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->var, var) == 0, "split out var 3 var");
MY_TEST(ret_struct->suffix == NULL, "split out var 3 suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
/* var only */
asprintf(&tst_string, "@{%s}", var);
@@ -457,32 +464,39 @@ int test_split_out_var(void)
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->var, var) == 0, "split out var 4 var");
MY_TEST(ret_struct->suffix == NULL, "split out var 4 suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
/* quoted var, shouldn't split */
asprintf(&tst_string, "%s\\@{%s}%s", prefix, var, suffix);
ret_struct = split_out_var(tst_string);
MY_TEST(ret_struct == NULL, "split out var - quoted @");
+ free(tst_string);
/* quoted \, split should succeed */
asprintf(&tst_string, "%s\\\\@{%s}%s", prefix, var, suffix);
ret_struct = split_out_var(tst_string);
- MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->prefix, strndup(tst_string, strlen(prefix) + 2)) == 0, "split out var 5 prefix");
+ tmp = strndup(tst_string, strlen(prefix) + 2);
+ MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->prefix, tmp) == 0, "split out var 5 prefix");
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->var, var) == 0, "split out var 5 var");
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->suffix, suffix) == 0, "split out var 5 suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
+ free(tmp);
/* un terminated var, should fail */
asprintf(&tst_string, "%s@{%s%s", prefix, var, suffix);
ret_struct = split_out_var(tst_string);
MY_TEST(ret_struct == NULL, "split out var - un-terminated var");
+ free(tst_string);
/* invalid char in var, should fail */
asprintf(&tst_string, "%s@{%s^%s}%s", prefix, var, var, suffix);
ret_struct = split_out_var(tst_string);
MY_TEST(ret_struct == NULL, "split out var - invalid char in var");
+ free(tst_string);
/* two vars, should only strip out first */
asprintf(&tmp, "@{%s}%s}", suffix, suffix);
@@ -492,14 +506,19 @@ int test_split_out_var(void)
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->var, var) == 0, "split out var 6 var");
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->suffix, tmp) == 0, "split out var 6 suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
+ free(tmp);
/* quoted @ followed by var, split should succeed */
asprintf(&tst_string, "%s\\@@{%s}%s", prefix, var, suffix);
ret_struct = split_out_var(tst_string);
- MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->prefix, strndup(tst_string, strlen(prefix) + 2)) == 0, "split out var 7 prefix");
+ tmp = strndup(tst_string, strlen(prefix) + 2);
+ MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->prefix, tmp) == 0, "split out var 7 prefix");
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->var, var) == 0, "split out var 7 var");
MY_TEST(strcmp(ret_struct->suffix, suffix) == 0, "split out var 7 suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
+ free(tmp);
/* numeric char in var, should succeed */
asprintf(&tst_string, "%s@{%s}%s", prefix, var2, suffix);
@@ -508,12 +527,14 @@ int test_split_out_var(void)
MY_TEST(ret_struct && strcmp(ret_struct->var, var2) == 0, "split numeric var var");
MY_TEST(ret_struct && strcmp(ret_struct->suffix, suffix) == 0, "split out numeric var suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
/* numeric first char in var, should fail */
asprintf(&tst_string, "%s@{6%s}%s", prefix, var2, suffix);
ret_struct = split_out_var(tst_string);
MY_TEST(ret_struct == NULL, "split out var - numeric first char in var");
+ free(tst_string);
/* underscore char in var, should succeed */
asprintf(&tst_string, "%s@{%s}%s", prefix, var3, suffix);
@@ -522,12 +543,14 @@ int test_split_out_var(void)
MY_TEST(ret_struct && strcmp(ret_struct->var, var3) == 0, "split out underscore var");
MY_TEST(ret_struct && strcmp(ret_struct->suffix, suffix) == 0, "split out underscore var suffix");
+ free(tst_string);
/* underscore first char in var, should fail */
asprintf(&tst_string, "%s@{_%s%s}%s", prefix, var2, var3, suffix);
ret_struct = split_out_var(tst_string);
MY_TEST(ret_struct == NULL, "split out var - underscore first char in var");
+ free(tst_string);
return rc;
Steve Beattie
<sbeattie at ubuntu.com>
-------------- next part --------------
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