[apparmor] [patch] adjust unbound profile for openSUSE

Simon Deziel simon.deziel at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 20:23:46 UTC 2016

Hi Christian,

On 2016-01-31 11:56 AM, Christian Boltz wrote:
> I just replaced my self-made unbound profile with the latest Ubuntu 
> profile.
> It needs exactly one change [1] to work on openSUSE, and that's the pid 
> file location. Additionally, I prefer to use abstractions/openssl instead 
> of /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf.

Good point. Your patch tested fine on Ubuntu Xenial, thanks!

> As a sidenote - the capabilities fowner, fsetid and sys_chroot are not 
> needed on openSUSE.

sys_chroot is needed but fowner/fsetid should be dropped. I just tested
this on Ubuntu and they are not used any more. I audited all the other
capabilities and they are used by Unbound 1.5.7.

The fowner/fsetid are probably leftovers from the initial profile I had
created for Ubuntu Precise.

Should I send a follow-up patch or you'll drop fowner/fsetid when


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