[apparmor] [profile] netstat(8): plenty of DENIED messages; repeated "target=*" value.

daniel curtis sidetripping at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 21:41:34 UTC 2016

​Hi John

Thanks for an answer and explanation. I've created a bug report, because
you have written, that: "A bug would be good, I'll try fixing it soon and
will need a bug to reference when I push the fix". Please see [1].

Anyway, I should add a rule mentioned by me in a Launchpad bug report,
right? I mean this one:

@{PROC}/[0-9]*/net/tcp r,

It's secure enough, even if that log entry showed up after running
netstat(8) as a normal user - not via sudo(8)?

Best regards.
[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/apparmor/2016-December/010329.html ​
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