[apparmor] [patch] Add a test to check for hotkey conflicts

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Sun Apr 3 16:05:03 UTC 2016


this test builds and installs the apparmor-utils translations into a
tempdir, and then checks if there's any hotkey conflict in one of the
languages. This is based on a manually maintained list of "buttons" that
are displayed at the same time.

To make things a bit easier to test, add CMD_CANCEL to ui.py CMDS[].
Also replace hardcoded usage of '(Y)es', '(N)o' and '(C)ancel' with

Note: you'lll get hotkey conflicts for the german translations. I fixed
them on lp already, so importing the latest translations should help ;-)

[ 77-check-hotkey-conflicts.diff ]

--- utils/apparmor/ui.py        2014-11-17 20:18:13.810933000 +0100
+++ utils/apparmor/ui.py        2016-04-03 16:21:17.013134733 +0200
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
     default = default.lower()
     ans = None
     if UI_mode == 'text':
-        yes = _('(Y)es')
-        no = _('(N)o')
+        yes = CMDS['CMD_YES']
+        no = CMDS['CMD_NO']
         yeskey = get_translated_hotkey(yes).lower()
         nokey = get_translated_hotkey(no).lower()
         ans = 'XXXINVALIDXXX'
@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@
     default = default.lower()
     ans = None
     if UI_mode == 'text':
-        yes = _('(Y)es')
-        no = _('(N)o')
-        cancel = _('(C)ancel')
+        yes = CMDS['CMD_YES']
+        no = CMDS['CMD_NO']
+        cancel = CMDS['CMD_CANCEL']
         yeskey = get_translated_hotkey(yes).lower()
         nokey = get_translated_hotkey(no).lower()
@@ -274,6 +274,7 @@
         'CMD_ASK_LATER': _('Ask Me (L)ater'),
         'CMD_YES': _('(Y)es'),
         'CMD_NO': _('(N)o'),
+        'CMD_CANCEL': _('(C)ancel'),
         'CMD_ALL_NET': _('Allow All (N)etwork'),
         'CMD_NET_FAMILY': _('Allow Network Fa(m)ily'),
         'CMD_OVERWRITE': _('(O)verwrite Profile'),
--- utils/test/test-translations.py     2016-04-03 18:00:50.303549877 +0200
+++ utils/test/test-translations.py     2016-04-03 18:00:03.555820261 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+#    Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#    modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
+#    License published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+import unittest
+from common_test import AATest, setup_all_loops
+import gettext
+import os
+import subprocess
+from apparmor.ui import CMDS, get_translated_hotkey
+class TestHotkeyConflicts(AATest):
+    # check if there are any hotkey conflicts in one of the apparmor-utils translations
+    tests = [
+        (['CMD_ALLOW', 'CMD_DENY', 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY', 'CMD_GLOB', 'CMD_GLOBEXT', 'CMD_NEW', 'CMD_AUDIT_OFF', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED'], True),  # aa.py available_buttons() with CMD_AUDIT_OFF
+        (['CMD_ALLOW', 'CMD_DENY', 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY', 'CMD_GLOB', 'CMD_GLOBEXT', 'CMD_NEW', 'CMD_AUDIT_NEW', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED'], True),  # aa.py available_buttons() with CMD_AUDIT_NEW
+        (['CMD_SAVE_CHANGES', 'CMD_SAVE_SELECTED', 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES', 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES_CLEAN', 'CMD_ABORT'],                              True),  # aa.py save_profiles()
+        (['CMD_VIEW_PROFILE', 'CMD_USE_PROFILE', 'CMD_CREATE_PROFILE', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED'],                                        True),  # aa.py get_profile()
+        (['CMD_UPLOAD_CHANGES', 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES', 'CMD_ASK_LATER', 'CMD_ASK_NEVER', 'CMD_ABORT'],                                         True),  # aa.py console_select_and_upload_profiles()
+        (['CMD_ix', 'CMD_pix', 'CMD_cix', 'CMD_nix', 'CMD_EXEC_IX_OFF', 'CMD_ux', 'CMD_DENY', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED'],                 True),  # aa.py build_x_functions() with exec_toggle
+        (['CMD_ix', 'CMD_cx', 'CMD_px', 'CMD_nx', 'CMD_ux', 'CMD_EXEC_IX_ON', 'CMD_DENY', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED'],                     True),  # aa.py build_x_functions() without exec_toggle
+        (['CMD_ADDHAT', 'CMD_USEDEFAULT', 'CMD_DENY', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED'],                                                         True),  # aa.py handle_children()
+        (['CMD_YES', 'CMD_NO', 'CMD_CANCEL'],                                                                                               True),  # ui.py UI_YesNo() and UI_YesNoCancel
+    ]
+    def _run_test(self, params, expected):
+        self.createTmpdir()
+        subprocess.call("make -C ../po >/dev/null", shell=True)
+        subprocess.call("DESTDIR=%s NAME=apparmor-utils make -C ../po install >/dev/null" % self.tmpdir, shell=True)
+        self.localedir = '%s/usr/share/locale' % self.tmpdir
+        self.languages = os.listdir(self.localedir)
+        # make sure we found all translations
+        if len(self.languages) < 15:
+            raise Exception('None or not all languages found, only %s' % self.languages)
+        self.languages.append('C')  # we also want to detect hotkey conflicts in the untranslated english strings
+        for language in self.languages:
+            t = gettext.translation('apparmor-utils', fallback=True, localedir=self.localedir, languages=[language])
+            keys = dict()
+            for key in params:
+                text = t.gettext(CMDS[key])
+                hotkey = get_translated_hotkey(text)
+                if keys.get(hotkey):
+                    raise Exception("Hotkey conflict: '%s' and '%s' in language %s" % (keys[hotkey], text, language))
+                else:
+                    keys[hotkey] = text
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main(verbosity=2)


Christian Boltz
PATH="${HOME}/Oktoberfest 2003:$PATH"
configure '--prefix=Auf geht\'s'
[Ralf Corsepius in suse-programming]
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