[apparmor] [patch] Remove support for writing change hat declarations ("^hat, ")

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Sun Jun 7 12:51:14 UTC 2015


change hat declarations ("^hat,") are no longer supported (see patch 46
for details). Therefore remove support for writing them.

This also means to completely remove the 'declared' flag, which was only
needed for hat declarations, and was (after applying patch 46) always
set to False.

Also add a hat to the cleanprof_test.{in,out} test profile to make sure
aa-cleanprof doesn't break hats.

(This is "just" a cleanup, so trunk only)

[ 47-remove-support-for-writing-hat-declarations.diff ]

=== modified file utils/apparmor/aa.py
--- utils/apparmor/aa.py        2015-06-07 14:09:36.000405129 +0200
+++ utils/apparmor/aa.py        2015-06-07 14:32:03.483282738 +0200
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 # a) rules (as dict): alias, include, lvar
 # b) rules (as hasher): allow, deny
 # c) one for each rule class
-# d) other: declared, external, flags, name, profile, attachment, initial_comment,
+# d) other: external, flags, name, profile, attachment, initial_comment,
 #           profile_keyword, header_comment (these two are currently only set by set_profile_flags())
 aa = hasher()  # Profiles originally in sd, replace by aa
 original_aa = hasher()
@@ -1442,7 +1442,6 @@
                                 ynans = aaui.UI_YesNo(_('A profile for %s does not exist.\nDo you want to create one?') % exec_target, 'n')
                             if ynans == 'y':
                                 hat = exec_target
-                                aa[profile][hat]['declared'] = False
                                 aa[profile][hat]['profile'] = True
                                 if profile != hat:
@@ -3007,7 +3006,6 @@                                                                                                                                        
             flags = matches.group('flags')                                                                                                                  
             profile_data[profile][hat]['flags'] = flags                                                                                                     
-            profile_data[profile][hat]['declared'] = False                                                                                                  
             #profile_data[profile][hat]['allow']['path'] = hasher()                                                                                         
             #profile_data[profile][hat]['allow']['netdomain'] = hasher()                                                                                    
@@ -3473,15 +3471,11 @@
     data += write_rules(profile_data[name], depth + 1)
     pre2 = '  ' * (depth + 1)
-    # External hat declarations
-    for hat in list(filter(lambda x: x != name, sorted(profile_data.keys()))):
-        if profile_data[hat].get('declared', False):
-            data.append('%s^%s,' % (pre2, hat))
     if not inhat:
         # Embedded hats
         for hat in list(filter(lambda x: x != name, sorted(profile_data.keys()))):
-            if not profile_data[hat]['external'] and not profile_data[hat]['declared']:
+            if not profile_data[hat]['external']:
                 if profile_data[hat]['profile']:
                     data += list(map(str, write_header(profile_data[hat], depth + 1, hat, True, write_flags)))
@@ -3730,7 +3724,7 @@
                     depth = int((len(line) - len(line.lstrip())) / 2)
                     pre2 = '  ' * (depth + 1)
                     for hat in list(filter(lambda x: x != name, sorted(profile_data.keys()))):
-                        if not profile_data[hat]['external'] and not profile_data[hat]['declared']:
+                        if not profile_data[hat]['external']:
                             if profile_data[hat]['profile']:
                                 data += list(map(str, write_header(profile_data[hat], depth + 1, hat, True, include_flags)))
@@ -3990,16 +3984,9 @@
             elif RE_PROFILE_CHANGE_HAT.search(line):
-                matches = RE_PROFILE_CHANGE_HAT.search(line).groups()
-                hat = matches[0]
-                hat = strip_quotes(hat)
-                if not write_prof_data[hat]['declared']:
-                    correct = False
-                if correct:
-                    data.append(line)
-                else:
-                    #To-Do
-                    pass
+                # "^hat," declarations are no longer supported, ignore them and don't write out the line
+                # (parse_profile_data() already prints a warning about that)
+                pass
             elif RE_PROFILE_HAT_DEF.search(line):
                 matches = RE_PROFILE_HAT_DEF.search(line)
                 in_contained_hat = True
@@ -4009,8 +3996,6 @@
                 if not write_prof_data[hat]['flags'] == flags:
                     correct = False
-                if not write_prof_data[hat]['declared'] is False:
-                    correct = False
                 if not write_filelist['profile'][profile][hat]:
                     correct = False
                 if correct:
=== modified file utils/test/cleanprof_test.in
--- utils/test/cleanprof_test.in	2015-05-25 17:30:59.798783638 +0200
+++ utils/test/cleanprof_test.in	2015-06-07 14:45:06.807307887 +0200
@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@
 	#Below rule comes from abstractions/base
 	allow /usr/share/X11/locale/**  r,
 	allow /home/*/** r,
+    ^foo {
+            /etc/fstab r,
+        capability dac_override,
+        }
 	allow /home/foo/bar r,
 	allow /home/foo/** w,
=== modified file utils/test/cleanprof_test.out
--- utils/test/cleanprof_test.out	2015-05-25 17:30:59.798783638 +0200
+++ utils/test/cleanprof_test.out	2015-06-07 14:46:15.334296605 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@
   /home/*/** r,
   /home/foo/** w,
+  ^foo {
+    capability dac_override,
+    /etc/fstab r,
+  }
 /usr/bin/other/cleanprof/test/profile {
   /home/*/** rw,


Christian Boltz
IT is everything that is more complicated than pushing buttons in
the elevator. [from http://www.orkpiraten.de/blog/ugly-kid-jeans]

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