[apparmor] [patch] Test libapparmor test_multi tests against logparser.py

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Sun Jul 19 11:20:20 UTC 2015


this testcase will parse all libraries/libapparmor/testsuite/test_multi
tests and compare the result with the *.out files.

It also include a "ToDo list" of keywords that are not yet supported in
the python code - those are typically related to rule types not
supported in the tools yet (dbus, signal etc.).

An interesting special case are exec events with network details:
    testcase01.in, testcase12.in, testcase13.in
Are those really real-world events (family="family" and
sock_type="unknown(1234)" look a bit strange) or some handmade, invalid

BTW: libapparmor from 2.9.2 fails on the dmesg-based tests (I didn't
test with the current 2.9 branch).

[ 79-test-libapparmor-test_multi.diff ]

diff -ru '--exclude=.bzr' ../HEAD-patches-applied/utils/test/test-libapparmor-test_multi.py ./utils/test/test-libapparmor-test_multi.py
--- utils/test/test-libapparmor-test_multi.py   2015-07-19 12:53:17.887641060 +0200
+++ ./utils/test/test-libapparmor-test_multi.py 2015-07-19 12:52:46.543496744 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+#    Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de>
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#    modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
+#    License published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------
+import unittest
+from common_test import AATest, setup_all_loops
+import os
+from apparmor.common import open_file_read
+from apparmor.logparser import ReadLog
+# This testcase will parse all libraries/libapparmor/testsuite/test_multi tests
+# and compare the result with the *.out files
+class TestLibapparmorTestMulti(AATest):
+    tests = []  # filled by parse_test_profiles()
+    def _run_test(self, params, expected):
+        # tests[][expected] is a dummy, replace it with the real values
+        expected = self._parse_libapparmor_test_multi(params)
+        with open_file_read('%s.in' % params) as f_in:
+            loglines = f_in.readlines()
+        loglines2 = []
+        for line in loglines:
+            if line.strip():
+                loglines2 += [line]
+        self.assertEqual(len(loglines2), 1, '%s.in should only contain one line!' % params)
+        parser = ReadLog('', '', '', '', '')
+        parsed_event = parser.parse_event(loglines2[0])
+        if parsed_event and expected:
+            parsed_items = dict(parsed_event.items())
+            for label in expected:
+                if label in [
+                        'file',  # filename of the *.in file
+                        'event_type',  # mapped to aamode
+                        'audit_id', 'audit_sub_id',  # not set nor relevant
+                        'comm',  # not set, and not too useful
+                        # XXX most of the keywords listed below mean "TODO"
+                        'fsuid', 'ouid',  # file events
+                        'flags', 'fs_type',  # mount
+                        'namespace',  # file_lock only?? (at least the tests don't contain this in other event types with namespace)
+                        'net_local_addr', 'net_foreign_addr', 'net_local_port', 'net_foreign_port',  # detailed network events
+                        'peer', 'signal',  # signal
+                        'src_name',  # pivotroot
+                        'dbus_bus', 'dbus_interface', 'dbus_member', 'dbus_path',  # dbus
+                        'peer_pid', 'peer_profile',  # dbus
+                        ]:
+                    pass
+                elif parsed_items['operation'] == 'exec' and label in ['sock_type', 'family', 'protocol']:
+                    pass  # XXX 'exec' + network? really?
+                elif not parsed_items.get(label, None):
+                    raise Exception('parsed_items[%s] not set' % label)
+                elif not expected.get(label, None):
+                    raise Exception('expected[%s] not set' % label)
+                else:
+                    self.assertEqual(str(parsed_items[label]), expected[label], '%s differs' % label)
+        elif expected:
+            self.assertIsNone(parsed_event)  # that's why we end up here
+            self.assertEqual(dict(), expected, 'parsed_event is none')  # effectively print the content of expected
+        elif parsed_event:
+            self.assertIsNone(expected)  # that's why we end up here
+            self.assertEqual(parsed_event, dict(), 'expected is none')  # effectively print the content of parsed_event
+        else:
+            self.assertIsNone(expected)  # that's why we end up here
+            self.assertIsNone(parsed_event)  # that's why we end up here
+            self.assertEqual(parsed_event, expected)  # both are None
+    # list of labels that use a different name in logparser.py than in the test_multi *.out files
+    # (additionally, .lower() is applied to all labels)
+    label_map = {
+        'Mask':             'request_mask',
+        'Command':          'comm',
+        'Token':            'magic_token',
+        'ErrorCode':        'error_code',
+        'Network family':   'family',
+        'Socket type':      'sock_type',
+        'Local addr':       'net_local_addr',
+        'Foreign addr':     'net_foreign_addr',
+        'Local port':       'net_local_port',
+        'Foreign port':     'net_foreign_port',
+        'Audit subid':      'audit_sub_id',
+        'Attribute':        'attr',
+        'Epoch':            'time',
+    }
+    def _parse_libapparmor_test_multi(self, file_with_path):
+        '''parse the libapparmor test_multi *.in tests and their expected result in *.out'''
+        with open_file_read('%s.out' % file_with_path) as f_in:
+            expected = f_in.readlines()
+        if expected[0].rstrip('\n') != 'START':
+            raise Exception("%s.out doesn't have 'START' in its first line! (%s)" % ( file_with_path, expected[0]))
+        expected.pop(0)
+        exresult = dict()
+        for line in expected:
+            label, value = line.split(':', 1)
+            # test_multi doesn't always use the original labels :-/
+            if label in self.label_map.keys():
+                label = self.label_map[label]
+            label = label.replace(' ', '_').lower()
+            exresult[label] = value.strip()
+        if not exresult['event_type'].startswith('AA_RECORD_'):
+            raise Exception("event_type doesn't start with AA_RECORD_: %s in file %s" % (exresult['event_type'], file_with_path))
+        exresult['aamode'] = exresult['event_type'].replace('AA_RECORD_', '')
+        if exresult['aamode'] == 'ALLOWED':
+            exresult['aamode'] = 'PERMITTING'
+        if exresult['aamode'] == 'DENIED':
+            exresult['aamode'] = 'REJECTING'
+        if exresult['event_type'] == 'AA_RECORD_INVALID':  # or exresult.get('error_code', 0) != 0:  # XXX should events with errors be ignored?
+            exresult = None
+        return exresult
+def find_test_multi(log_dir):
+    '''find all log sniplets in the given log_dir'''
+    log_dir = os.path.abspath(log_dir)
+    print('Testing libapparmor test_multi tests...')
+    tests = []
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(log_dir):
+        for file in files:
+            if file.endswith('.in'):
+                file_with_path = os.path.join(root, file[:-3])  # filename without '.in'
+                tests.append([file_with_path, True])  # True is a dummy testresult, parsing of the *.out files is done while running the tests
+            elif file.endswith('.out') or file.endswith('.err'):
+                pass
+            else:
+                raise Exception('Found unknown file %s in libapparmor test_multi' % file)
+    return tests
+TestLibapparmorTestMulti.tests = find_test_multi('../../libraries/libapparmor/testsuite/test_multi/')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main(verbosity=1)  # reduced verbosity due to the big number of tests


Christian Boltz
> Kann mir jemand sagen, wie unter der neuen SuSE der inetd gestartet
> wird? [...]  Ich such mir hier einen Affen...
hmm, hier? Wo ist hier? Und wenn Du einen findest, was dann?
Was willst Du mit einem Affen? Welchen denn? Wieso hier?
Wenn Du einen findest, kannst ihn ja mal fragen...

Vielleicht hilfts Dir, wenn Du mal in /etc/init.d /etc/syconfig
/etc/rc.config.d usw. suchst. Achso ja, Affen hab ich da noch keinen
gesehen;)         [> Andreas Meyer und Bernd Obermayr in suse-linux]

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