[apparmor] [patch] Implement in-profile de-duplication in BaseRuleset

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Fri Apr 24 21:49:41 UTC 2015


Am Samstag, 25. April 2015 schrieb Kshitij Gupta:
> Hmm a couple of reasons to use the list of deleted rules included
> being able to view/print/log the deleted rules for debugging and

We have testcases, so hopefully we don't need to do debugging ;-)

> ability to maybe show all the deleted rules for the profile. 

That would be a valid usecase, but IIRC nobody asked for this in all the 
years I'm involved with AppArmor.

If we really want that feature one day, it's not too hard to re-add the 
list of deleted rules. Until then, we have slightly simpler code and 
save a little bit of overhead ;-)


Christian Boltz
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Ich habe die Freiheit, alles zu ignorieren.   [Stephan Lange in dsn]

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