[apparmor] Bug#735470: Fwd: Bug#735470: Could be implemented centrally with a dpkg trigger instead of requiring every package shipping an apparmor file to use dh_apparmor

Seth Arnold seth.arnold at canonical.com
Fri Jan 17 04:02:49 UTC 2014

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 05:03:43PM -0800, John Johansen wrote:
> Well some of this will depend on which parser version you want to support.

Argh. Leave it to me to forget that kernel, userspace, and surrounding
frameworks do not update in lockstep. Just how many dimensions does this
matrix have, anyway?

- Kernel
  - No introspection
  - Poor introspection
  - Good introspection
  - Features file
  - Features directory

- Parser
  - No caching
  - Cache invalidation based on profile timestamp?
  - Cache invalidation based on profile timestamp and features?
  - Cache invalidation based on profile and include timestamps and
  - Explicitly named profiles
  - Directory-at-a-time

- init
  - No AppArmor knowledge
  - Upstart with AppArmor knowledge with --write-cache (I hope this is the
    only version..)

- Packages
  - dh_apparmor with --write-cache (I hope this is the only version..)

- Click packages
  - click.py with --write-cache (I hope this is the only version..)

Did I miss any dimensions?

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