[apparmor] GSoC review r76..79

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Mon Sep 23 18:45:49 UTC 2013


the reviews for r76..79 are attached. (No complaints about r76 and r78.)


Christian Boltz
>> Microsoft-Compatible Spongiforme Encephalitis?
> Setzt das nicht Hirn voraus?
Irgendwo müssen doch all die Beschwörungsformeln hin, die man als
MCSE auswendig lernen muß. Ein schwammförmiges Gehirn scheint mir
dafür durchaus geeignet ...
[Aran Kuntze, Gerhard Schromm und Martin Bienwald in dasr]
-------------- next part --------------
revno: 79
committer: Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8592 at gmail.com
branch nick: apparmor-profile-tools
timestamp: Mon 2013-09-23 21:00:36 +0530
  (no message)

=== modified file 'apparmor/aa.py'
--- apparmor/aa.py	2013-09-23 14:02:25 +0000
+++ apparmor/aa.py	2013-09-23 15:30:36 +0000
@@ -3030,8 +3030,12 @@
 def set_allow_str(allow):
     if allow == 'deny':
         return 'deny '
-    else:
+    elif allow == 'allow':
         return 'allow '
+    elif allow == '':
+        return ''
+    else:
+        raise AppArmorException(_("Invalid allow string: %(allow)s"))
# looks good (in theory), but in practise it seems all function calls pass in 'allow', not ''
# which means we still get all lines prefixed with 'allow ' :-(
# Please change it to

    elif allow == 'allow':
         return ''

# (better no "allow" than having "allow" everywhere ;-)

-------------- next part --------------
revno: 77
committer: Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8592 at gmail.com
branch nick: apparmor-profile-tools
timestamp: Mon 2013-09-23 19:32:25 +0530
  Added first version of aa-mergeprof, does not include the check for conflicting ix rules yet

=== modified file 'apparmor/tools.py'
--- apparmor/tools.py	2013-09-22 17:21:30 +0000
+++ apparmor/tools.py	2013-09-23 14:02:25 +0000
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
                 q = apparmor.hasher()
                 q['title'] = 'Changed Local Profiles'
                 q['headers'] = []
-                q['explanation'] = _('The following local profiles were changed. Would you like to save them?')
+                q['explanation'] = _('The local profile for %s in file %s was changed. Would you like to save it?') %(program, filename)

# good idea, but
# - you should use %(program)s and %(filename)s instead of %s
# - a \n wouldn't hurt ;-)

# review of aa-mergeprof postponed until ask_the_question() is re-integrated into aa.py (as discussed on IRC)
# in other words: ignore everything below this line ;-)

=== modified file 'Tools/aa-mergeprof'
--- Tools/aa-mergeprof	2013-09-22 22:17:15 +0000
+++ Tools/aa-mergeprof	2013-09-23 14:02:25 +0000
@@ -16,39 +18,70 @@
 def main():
     mergeprofiles = Merge(profiles)
     #Get rid of common/superfluous stuff
+    if not args.auto:
+        mergeprofiles.ask_the_questions('other')
+        mergeprofiles.clear_common()
+        print("base")
+        mergeprofiles.ask_the_questions('base')
+        q = apparmor.aa.hasher()
+        q['title'] = 'Changed Local Profiles'
+        q['headers'] = []
+        q['explanation'] = _('The following local profiles were changed. Would you like to save them?')
+        q['functions'] = ['CMD_SAVE_CHANGES', 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES', 'CMD_ABORT']
+        q['default'] = 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES'
+        q['options'] = []
+        q['selected'] = 0
+        p =None
+        ans = ''
+        arg = None
+        programs = list(mergeprofiles.user.aa.keys())
+        program = programs[0]
+        while ans != 'CMD_SAVE_CHANGES':
+            ans, arg = apparmor.aa.UI_PromptUser(q)
+            if ans == 'CMD_SAVE_CHANGES':
+                apparmor.aa.write_profile_ui_feedback(program)
+                apparmor.aa.reload_base(program)
+            elif ans == 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES':
+                for program in programs:
+                    apparmor.aa.original_aa[program] = apparmor.aa.deepcopy(apparmor.aa.aa[program])
+                #oldprofile = apparmor.serialize_profile(apparmor.original_aa[program], program, '')
+                newprofile = apparmor.aa.serialize_profile(mergeprofiles.user.aa[program], program, '')
+                apparmor.aa.display_changes_with_comments(mergeprofiles.user.filename, newprofile)
@@ -64,453 +97,526 @@
+    def ask_the_questions(self, other):
+        if other == 'other':
+            other = self.other
+        else:
+            other = self.base
+        #print(other.aa)
+        #Add the file-wide includes from the other profile to the user profile
+        done = False
+        options = list(map(lambda inc: '#include <%s>' %inc, sorted(other.filelist[other.filename]['include'].keys())))
+        q = apparmor.aa.hasher()
+        q['options'] = options
+        default_option = 1
+        q['selected'] = default_option - 1
+        q['headers'] = [_('File includes'), _('Select the ones you wish to add')]
+        q['functions'] = ['CMD_ALLOW', 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED']
+        q['default'] = 'CMD_ALLOW'
+        while not done and options:
+            ans, selected = apparmor.aa.UI_PromptUser(q)
+            if ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
+                done = True
+            elif ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
+                selection = options[selected]
+                inc = apparmor.aa.re_match_include(selection)
+                self.user.filelist[self.user.filename]['include'][inc] = True
+                options.pop(selected)
+                apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to the file.') % selection)
+        sev_db = apparmor.aa.sev_db
+        if not sev_db:
+            sev_db = apparmor.severity.Severity(apparmor.aa.CONFDIR + '/severity.db', _('unknown'))
+        for profile in sorted(other.aa.keys()):
+            for hat in sorted(other.aa[profile].keys()):
+                #Add the includes from the other profile to the user profile
+                done = False
+                options = list(map(lambda inc: '#include <%s>' %inc, sorted(other.aa[profile][hat]['include'].keys())))
+                q = apparmor.aa.hasher()
+                q['options'] = options
+                default_option = 1
+                q['selected'] = default_option - 1
+                q['headers'] = [_('File includes'), _('Select the ones you wish to add')]
+                q['functions'] = ['CMD_ALLOW', 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED']
+                q['default'] = 'CMD_ALLOW'
+                while not done and options:
+                    ans, selected = apparmor.aa.UI_PromptUser(q)
+                    if ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
+                        done = True
+                    elif ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
+                        selection = options[selected]
+                        inc = apparmor.aa.re_match_include(selection)
+                        deleted = apparmor.aa.delete_duplicates(self.user.aa[profile][hat], inc)
+                        self.user.aa[profile][hat]['include'][inc] = True
+                        options.pop(selected)
+                        apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to the file.') % selection)
+                        if deleted:
+                            apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
+                #Add the capabilities
+                for allow in ['allow', 'deny']:
+                    if other.aa[profile][hat].get(allow, False):
+                        continue
+                    for capability in sorted(other.aa[profile][hat][allow]['capability'].keys()):
+                        severity = sev_db.rank('CAP_%s' % capability)
+                        default_option = 1
+                        options = []
+                        newincludes = apparmor.aa.match_cap_includes(self.user.aa[profile][hat], capability)
+                        q = apparmor.aa.hasher()
+                        if newincludes:
+                            options += list(map(lambda inc: '#include <%s>' %inc, sorted(set(newincludes))))
+                        if options:
+                            options.append('capability %s' % capability)
+                            q['options'] = [options]
+                            q['selected'] = default_option - 1
+                        q['headers'] = [_('Profile'), apparmor.aa.combine_name(profile, hat)]
+                        q['headers'] += [_('Capability'), capability]
+                        q['headers'] += [_('Severity'), severity]
+                        audit_toggle = 0
+                        q['functions'] = ['CMD_ALLOW', 'CMD_DENY', 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED']
+                        q['default'] = 'CMD_ALLOW'
+                        done = False
+                        while not done:
+                            ans, selected = apparmor.aa.UI_PromptUser(q)
+                            # Ignore the log entry
+                            if ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
+                                done = True
+                                break
+                            if ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
+                                selection = ''
+                                if options:
+                                    selection = options[selected]
+                                match = apparmor.aa.re_match_include(selection)
+                                if match:
+                                    deleted = False
+                                    inc = match
+                                    deleted = apparmor.aa.delete_duplicates(self.user.aa[profile][hat], inc)
+                                    self.user.aa[profile][hat]['include'][inc] = True
+                                    apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to profile.') % selection)
+                                    if deleted:
+                                        apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
+                                self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['capability'][capability]['set'] = True
+                                self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['capability'][capability]['audit'] = other.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['capability'][capability]['audit']
+                                apparmor.aa.changed[profile] = True
+                                apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Adding capability %s to profile.'), capability)
+                                done = True
+                            elif ans == 'CMD_DENY':
+                                self.user.aa[profile][hat]['deny']['capability'][capability]['set'] = True
+                                apparmor.aa.changed[profile] = True
+                                apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Denying capability %s to profile.') % capability)
+                                done = True
+                            else:
+                                done = False
+                # Process all the path entries.
+                for allow in ['allow', 'deny']:
+                    for path in sorted(other.aa[profile][hat][allow]['path'].keys()):
+                        #print(path, other.aa[profile][hat][allow]['path'][path])
+                        mode = other.aa[profile][hat][allow]['path'][path]['mode']
+                        # Lookup modes from profile
+                        allow_mode = set()
+                        allow_audit = set()
+                        deny_mode = set()
+                        deny_audit = set()
+                        fmode, famode, fm = apparmor.aa.rematchfrag(self.user.aa[profile][hat], 'allow', path)
+                        if fmode:
+                            allow_mode |= fmode
+                        if famode:
+                            allow_audit |= famode
+                        cm, cam, m = apparmor.aa.rematchfrag(self.user.aa[profile][hat], 'deny', path)
+                        if cm:
+                            deny_mode |= cm
+                        if cam:
+                            deny_audit |= cam
+                        imode, iamode, im = apparmor.aa.match_prof_incs_to_path(self.user.aa[profile][hat], 'allow', path)
+                        if imode:
+                            allow_mode |= imode
+                        if iamode:
+                            allow_audit |= iamode
+                        cm, cam, m = apparmor.aa.match_prof_incs_to_path(self.user.aa[profile][hat], 'deny', path)
+                        if cm:
+                            deny_mode |= cm
+                        if cam:
+                            deny_audit |= cam
+                        if deny_mode & apparmor.aa.AA_MAY_EXEC:
+                            deny_mode |= apparmor.aamode.ALL_AA_EXEC_TYPE
+                        # Mask off the denied modes
+                        mode = mode - deny_mode
+                        # If we get an exec request from some kindof event that generates 'PERMITTING X'
+                        # check if its already in allow_mode
+                        # if not add ix permission
+                        if mode & apparmor.aa.AA_MAY_EXEC:
+                            # Remove all type access permission
+                            mode = mode - apparmor.aamode.ALL_AA_EXEC_TYPE
+                            if not allow_mode & apparmor.aa.AA_MAY_EXEC:
+                                mode |= apparmor.aa.str_to_mode('ix')
+                        # m is not implied by ix
+                        ### If we get an mmap request, check if we already have it in allow_mode
+                        ##if mode & AA_EXEC_MMAP:
+                        ##    # ix implies m, so we don't need to add m if ix is present
+                        ##    if contains(allow_mode, 'ix'):
+                        ##        mode = mode - AA_EXEC_MMAP
+                        if not mode:
+                            continue
+                        matches = []
+                        if fmode:
+                            apparmor.aa.matches.append(fm)
+                        if imode:
+                            apparmor.aa.matches.append(im)
+                        if not apparmor.aa.mode_contains(allow_mode, mode):
+                            default_option = 1
+                            options = []
+                            newincludes = []
+                            include_valid = False
+                            for incname in apparmor.aa.include.keys():
+                                include_valid = False
+                                # If already present skip
+                                if self.user.aa[profile][hat][incname]:
+                                    continue
+                                if incname.startswith(apparmor.aa.profile_dir):
+                                    incname = incname.replace(apparmor.aa.profile_dir+'/', '', 1)
+                                include_valid = apparmor.aa.valid_include('', incname)
+                                if not include_valid:
+                                    continue
+                                cm, am, m = apparmor.aa.match_include_to_path(incname, 'allow', path)
+                                if cm and apparmor.aa.mode_contains(cm, mode):
+                                    dm = apparmor.aa.match_include_to_path(incname, 'deny', path)[0]
+                                    # If the mode is denied
+                                    if not mode & dm:
+                                        if not list(filter(lambda s: '/**' == s, m)):
+                                            newincludes.append(incname)
+                            # Add new includes to the options
+                            if newincludes:
+                                options += list(map(lambda s: '#include <%s>' % s, sorted(set(newincludes))))
+                            # We should have literal the path in options list too
+                            options.append(path)
+                            # Add any the globs matching path from logprof
+                            globs = apparmor.aa.glob_common(path)
+                            if globs:
+                                matches += globs
+                            # Add any user entered matching globs
+                            for user_glob in apparmor.aa.user_globs:
+                                if apparmor.aa.matchliteral(user_glob, path):
+                                    matches.append(user_glob)
+                            matches = list(set(matches))
+                            if path in matches:
+                                matches.remove(path)
+                            options += apparmor.aa.order_globs(matches, path)
+                            default_option = len(options)
+                            sev_db.unload_variables()
+                            sev_db.load_variables(apparmor.aa.get_profile_filename(profile))
+                            severity = sev_db.rank(path, apparmor.aa.mode_to_str(mode))
+                            sev_db.unload_variables()
+                            audit_toggle = 0
+                            owner_toggle = 0
+                            if apparmor.aa.cfg['settings']['default_owner_prompt']:
+                                owner_toggle = apparmor.aa.cfg['settings']['default_owner_prompt']
+                            done = False
+                            while not done:
+                                q =  apparmor.aa.hasher()
+                                q['headers'] = [_('Profile'), apparmor.aa.combine_name(profile, hat),
+                                                _('Path'), path]
+                                if allow_mode:
+                                    mode |= allow_mode
+                                    tail = ''
+                                    s = ''
+                                    prompt_mode = None
+                                    if owner_toggle == 0:
+                                        prompt_mode = apparmor.aa.flatten_mode(mode)
+                                        tail = '     ' + _('(owner permissions off)')
+                                    elif owner_toggle == 1:
+                                        prompt_mode = mode
+                                    elif owner_toggle == 2:
+                                        prompt_mode = allow_mode | apparmor.aa.owner_flatten_mode(mode - allow_mode)
+                                        tail = '     ' + _('(force new perms to owner)')
+                                    else:
+                                        prompt_mode = apparmor.aa.owner_flatten_mode(mode)
+                                        tail = '     ' + _('(force all rule perms to owner)')
+                                    if audit_toggle == 1:
+                                        s = apparmor.aa.mode_to_str_user(allow_mode)
+                                        if allow_mode:
+                                            s += ', '
+                                        s += 'audit ' + apparmor.aa.mode_to_str_user(prompt_mode - allow_mode) + tail
+                                    elif audit_toggle == 2:
+                                        s = 'audit ' + apparmor.aa.mode_to_str_user(prompt_mode) + tail
+                                    else:
+                                        s = apparmor.aa.mode_to_str_user(prompt_mode) + tail
+                                    q['headers'] += [_('Old Mode'), apparmor.aa.mode_to_str_user(allow_mode),
+                                                     _('New Mode'), s]
+                                else:
+                                    s = ''
+                                    tail = ''
+                                    prompt_mode = None
+                                    if audit_toggle:
+                                        s = 'audit'
+                                    if owner_toggle == 0:
+                                        prompt_mode = apparmor.aa.flatten_mode(mode)
+                                        tail = '     ' + _('(owner permissions off)')
+                                    elif owner_toggle == 1:
+                                        prompt_mode = mode
+                                    else:
+                                        prompt_mode = apparmor.aa.owner_flatten_mode(mode)
+                                        tail = '     ' + _('(force perms to owner)')
+                                    s = apparmor.aa.mode_to_str_user(prompt_mode)
+                                    q['headers'] += [_('Mode'), s]
+                                q['headers'] += [_('Severity'), severity]
+                                q['options'] = options
+                                q['selected'] = default_option - 1
+                                q['functions'] = ['CMD_ALLOW', 'CMD_DENY', 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY', 'CMD_GLOB',
+                                                  'CMD_GLOBEXT', 'CMD_NEW', 'CMD_ABORT',
+                                                  'CMD_FINISHED', 'CMD_OTHER']
+                                q['default'] = 'CMD_ALLOW'
+                                ans, selected = apparmor.aa.UI_PromptUser(q)
+                                if ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
+                                    done = True
+                                    break
+                                if ans == 'CMD_OTHER':
+                                    audit_toggle, owner_toggle = apparmor.aa.UI_ask_mode_toggles(audit_toggle, owner_toggle, allow_mode)
+                                elif ans == 'CMD_USER_TOGGLE':
+                                    owner_toggle += 1
+                                    if not allow_mode and owner_toggle == 2:
+                                        owner_toggle += 1
+                                    if owner_toggle > 3:
+                                        owner_toggle = 0
+                                elif ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
+                                    path = options[selected]
+                                    done = True
+                                    match = apparmor.aa.re_match_include(path)
+                                    if match:
+                                        inc = match 
+                                        deleted = 0
+                                        deleted = apparmor.aa.delete_duplicates(aa[profile][hat], inc)
+                                        self.user.aa[profile][hat]['include'][inc] =  True
+                                        apparmor.aa.changed[profile] =  True
+                                        apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to profile.') % path)
+                                        if deleted:
+                                            apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
+                                    else:
+                                        if self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['path'][path].get('mode', False):
+                                            mode |= self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['path'][path]['mode']
+                                        deleted = []
+                                        for entry in self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['path'].keys():
+                                            if path == entry:
+                                                continue
+                                            if apparmor.aa.matchregexp(path, entry):
+                                                if apparmor.aa.mode_contains(mode, self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['path'][entry]['mode']):
+                                                    deleted.append(entry)
+                                        for entry in deleted:
+                                            self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['path'].pop(entry)
+                                        deleted = len(deleted)
+                                        if owner_toggle == 0:
+                                            mode = apparmor.aa.flatten_mode(mode)
+                                        #elif owner_toggle == 1:
+                                        #    mode = mode
+                                        elif owner_toggle == 2:
+                                            mode = allow_mode | apparmor.aa.owner_flatten_mode(mode - allow_mode)
+                                        elif owner_toggle == 3:
+                                            mode = apparmor.aa.owner_flatten_mode(mode)
+                                        self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['path'][path]['mode'] = self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['path'][path].get('mode', set()) | mode
+                                        tmpmode = set()
+                                        if audit_toggle == 1:
+                                            tmpmode = mode- allow_mode
+                                        elif audit_toggle == 2:
+                                            tmpmode = mode
+                                        self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['path'][path]['audit'] = self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['path'][path].get('audit', set()) | tmpmode
+                                        apparmor.aa.changed[profile] = True
+                                        apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Adding %s %s to profile') % (path, apparmor.aa.mode_to_str_user(mode)))
+                                        if deleted:
+                                            apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
+                                elif ans == 'CMD_DENY':
+                                    path = options[selected].strip()
+                                    # Add new entry?
+                                    self.user.aa[profile][hat]['deny']['path'][path]['mode'] = self.user.aa[profile][hat]['deny']['path'][path].get('mode', set()) | (mode - allow_mode)
+                                    self.user.aa[profile][hat]['deny']['path'][path]['audit'] = self.user.aa[profile][hat]['deny']['path'][path].get('audit', set())
+                                    apparmor.aa.changed[profile] = True
+                                    done = True
+                                elif ans == 'CMD_NEW':
+                                    arg = options[selected]
+                                    if not apparmor.aa.re_match_include(arg):
+                                        ans = apparmor.aa.UI_GetString(_('Enter new path: '), arg)
+#                                         if ans:
+#                                             if not matchliteral(ans, path):
+#                                                 ynprompt = _('The specified path does not match this log entry:\n\n  Log Entry: %s\n  Entered Path:  %s\nDo you really want to use this path?') % (path,ans)
+#                                                 key = apparmor.aa.UI_YesNo(ynprompt, 'n')
+#                                                 if key == 'n':
+#                                                     continue    
+                                        apparmor.aa.user_globs.append(ans)
+                                        options.append(ans)
+                                        default_option = len(options)
+                                elif ans == 'CMD_GLOB':
+                                    newpath = options[selected].strip()
+                                    if not apparmor.aa.re_match_include(newpath):
+                                        newpath = apparmor.aa.glob_path(newpath)
+                                        if newpath not in options:
+                                            options.append(newpath)
+                                            default_option = len(options)
+                                        else:
+                                            default_option = options.index(newpath) + 1
+                                elif ans == 'CMD_GLOBEXT':
+                                    newpath = options[selected].strip()
+                                    if not apparmor.aa.re_match_include(newpath):
+                                        newpath = apparmor.aa.glob_path_withext(newpath)
+                                        if newpath not in options:
+                                            options.append(newpath)
+                                            default_option = len(options)
+                                        else:
+                                            default_option = options.index(newpath) + 1
+                                elif re.search('\d', ans):
+                                    default_option = ans
+                #
+                for allow in ['allow', 'deny']:
+                    for family in sorted(other.aa[profile][hat][allow]['netdomain']['rule'].keys()):
+                        # severity handling for net toggles goes here
+                        print(family)
+                        for sock_type in sorted(other.aa[profile][hat][allow]['netdomain']['rule'][family].keys()):
+                            if apparmor.aa.profile_known_network(self.user.aa[profile][hat], family, sock_type):
+                                continue
+                            default_option = 1
+                            options = []
+                            newincludes = apparmor.aa.match_net_includes(self.user.aa[profile][hat], family, sock_type)
+                            q = apparmor.aa.hasher()
+                            if newincludes:
+                                options += list(map(lambda s: '#include <%s>'%s, sorted(set(newincludes))))
+                            if True:#options:
+                                options.append('network %s %s' % (family, sock_type))
+                                q['options'] = options
+                                q['selected'] = default_option - 1
+                            q['headers'] = [_('Profile'), apparmor.aa.combine_name(profile, hat)]
+                            q['headers'] += [_('Network Family'), family]
+                            q['headers'] += [_('Socket Type'), sock_type]
+                            audit_toggle = 0
+                            q['functions'] = ['CMD_ALLOW', 'CMD_DENY', 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY', 'CMD_AUDIT_NEW',
+                                              'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED']
+                            q['default'] = 'CMD_ALLOW'
+                            done = False
+                            while not done:
+                                ans, selected = apparmor.aa.UI_PromptUser(q)
+                                if ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
+                                    done = True
+                                    break
+                                if ans.startswith('CMD_AUDIT'):
+                                    audit_toggle = not audit_toggle
+                                    audit = ''
+                                    if audit_toggle:
+                                        audit = 'audit'
+                                        q['functions'] = ['CMD_ALLOW', 'CMD_DENY', 'CMD_AUDIT_OFF',
+                                                          'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED']
+                                    else:
+                                        q['functions'] = ['CMD_ALLOW', 'CMD_DENY', 'CMD_AUDIT_NEW',
+                                                          'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED']
+                                    q['headers'] = [_('Profile'), apparmor.aa.combine_name(profile, hat)]
+                                    q['headers'] += [_('Network Family'), audit + family]
+                                    q['headers'] += [_('Socket Type'), sock_type]
+                                elif ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
+                                    #print(options, selected)
+                                    selection = options[selected]
+                                    done = True
+                                    if apparmor.aa.re_match_include(selection): #re.search('#include\s+<.+>$', selection):
+                                        inc =  apparmor.aa.re_match_include(selection) #re.search('#include\s+<(.+)>$', selection).groups()[0]
+                                        deleted =  0
+                                        deleted = apparmor.aa.delete_duplicates(self.user.aa[profile][hat], inc)
+                                        self.user.aa[profile][hat]['include'][inc] = True
+                                        apparmor.aa.changed[profile] = True
+                                        apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to profile') % selection)
+                                        if deleted:
+                                            apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
+                                    else:
+                                        self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['netdomain']['audit'][family][sock_type] = audit_toggle
+                                        self.user.aa[profile][hat]['allow']['netdomain']['rule'][family][sock_type] = True
+                                        apparmor.aa.changed[profile] = True
+                                        apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Adding network access %s %s to profile.') % (family, sock_type))
+                                elif ans == 'CMD_DENY':
+                                    done = True
+                                    self.user.aa[profile][hat]['deny']['netdomain']['rule'][family][sock_type] = True
+                                    apparmor.aa.changed[profile] = True
+                                    apparmor.aa.UI_Info(_('Denying network access %s %s to profile') % (family, sock_type))
+                                else:
+                                    done = False



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