[apparmor] GSoC - updated reviews

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Sun Sep 22 00:45:26 UTC 2013


I just reviewed all old reviews. The attached tar.gz contains everything 
that is still not fixed. (If you disagree with something, you can of 
course just tell me that I'm wrong ;-)

To make things more interesting, I added some small issues that are 
related to the old reviews ;-)

The attached review-r69 (I needed a filename ;-) contains another small 
bug - it's just a missing space, but causes invalid profiles ;-)


Christian Boltz
Look at Debian... its stable, works on a variety of platforms.... and
development is racing along at the speed of a turtle with 3 broken legs.
[Joseph M. Gaffney in opensuse]
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# (not really related to r69, but I needed a filename ;-)

def write_path_rules(prof_data, depth, allow):
            while user or other:
                ownerstr = ''
                tmpmode = 0
                tmpaudit = False
                if user - other:
                    # if no other mode set 
                    ownerstr = 'owner'

# causes broken profiles - should be 'owner ' (space added)

                    tmpmode = user - other
                    tmpaudit = user_audit
                    user = user - tmpmode
                    if user_audit - other_audit & user:
                        ownerstr = 'owner '

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