[apparmor] [PATCH] [parsers] allow for nested alternations expressions

Steve Beattie steve at nxnw.org
Tue Nov 5 19:34:54 UTC 2013

On Tue, Nov 05, 2013 at 11:33:02AM -0800, Steve Beattie wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 05:28:22PM -0800, John Johansen wrote:
> > On 11/04/2013 04:34 PM, Steve Beattie wrote:
> > > Well, part of the slowdown was me writing some unit tests for that
> > > function. Here's the patch that does that:
> [SNIP]
> > > +	//MY_REGEX_TEST("\\", "\\", ePatternBasic);
> > > +	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\\\", "\\\\", ePatternBasic);
> > > +	//MY_REGEX_TEST("\\blort", "\\blort", ePatternBasic);
> > > +	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\\\blort", "\\\\blort", ePatternBasic);
> > > +	//MY_REGEX_TEST("blort\\", "blort\\", ePatternBasic);
> > why are these 3 commented out?
> Ah, right, I'd forgotten about these. They're commented out
> because as-is, they fail; however I wasn't sure if that was the
> correct expected output. Basically, what happens is that if whatever
> follows isn't expecting an escape character, then the escaping '\' is
> dropped. Thus, the current behavior is that '\\' becomes '' and both
> '\\blort' and 'blort\\' become 'blort'.
> The question is, is this a bug? I think so... but I'm willing to hear
> countering arguments.
> Attached is an updated patch that uncomments them out, adds the expected
> and resultant strings to the testcase output, and frees the strings
> allocated within the testcase.

And of course, I sent out a not-refreshed patch. Sorry. Here's the real one:

Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <steve at nxnw.org>
 parser/parser_regex.c |  107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 107 insertions(+)

Index: b/parser/parser_regex.c
--- a/parser/parser_regex.c
+++ b/parser/parser_regex.c
@@ -1262,6 +1262,109 @@ static int test_filter_slashes(void)
 	return rc;
+#define MY_REGEX_TEST(input, expected_str, expected_type)						\
+	do {												\
+		char tbuf[PATH_MAX + 3];								\
+		char *test_string;									\
+		char* output_string = NULL;							\
+		pattern_t ptype;									\
+		int pos;										\
+													\
+		test_string = strdup((input)); 								\
+		ptype = convert_aaregex_to_pcre(test_string, 0, tbuf, PATH_MAX + 3, &pos);		\
+		asprintf(&output_string, "simple regex conversion for '%s'\texpected = '%s'\tresult = '%s'", \
+				(input), expected_str, tbuf);						\
+		MY_TEST(strcmp(tbuf, (expected_str)) == 0, output_string);				\
+		MY_TEST(ptype == (expected_type), "simple regex conversion type check for '" input "'"); \
+		free(test_string); free(output_string);							\
+	}												\
+	while (0)
+#define MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST(input)						\
+	do {												\
+		char tbuf[PATH_MAX + 3];								\
+		char *test_string;									\
+		pattern_t ptype;									\
+		int pos;										\
+													\
+		test_string = strdup((input)); 								\
+		ptype = convert_aaregex_to_pcre(test_string, 0, tbuf, PATH_MAX + 3, &pos);		\
+		MY_TEST(ptype == ePatternInvalid, "simple regex conversion invalid type check for '" input "'"); \
+		free(test_string); 									\
+	}												\
+	while (0)
+static int test_aaregex_to_pcre(void)
+	int rc = 0;
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("/most/basic/test", "/most/basic/test", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\", "\\", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\\\", "\\\\", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\blort", "\\blort", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\\\blort", "\\\\blort", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("blort\\", "blort\\", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("blort\\\\", "blort\\\\", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("*", "[^/\\x00]*", ePatternRegex);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("blort*", "blort[^/\\x00]*", ePatternRegex);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("*blort", "[^/\\x00]*blort", ePatternRegex);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\*", "\\*", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("blort\\*", "blort\\*", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\*blort", "\\*blort", ePatternBasic);
+	/* simple quoting */
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\[", "\\[", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\]", "\\]", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\?", "?", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\{", "\\{", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\}", "\\}", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\,", ",", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("^", "\\^", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("$", "\\$", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST(".", "\\.", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("+", "\\+", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("|", "\\|", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("(", "\\(", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST(")", "\\)", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\^", "\\^", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\$", "\\$", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\.", "\\.", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\+", "\\+", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\|", "\\|", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\(", "\\(", ePatternBasic);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("\\)", "\\)", ePatternBasic);
+	/* simple character class tests */
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("[blort]", "[blort]", ePatternRegex);
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("[blort");
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("b[lort");
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("blort[");
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("blort]");
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("blo]rt");
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("]blort");
+	/* simple alternation tests */
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("{alpha,beta}", "(alpha|beta)", ePatternRegex);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("baz{alpha,beta}blort", "baz(alpha|beta)blort", ePatternRegex);
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("{beta}");
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("biz{beta");
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("biz}beta");
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("biz{be,ta");
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("biz,be}ta");
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("biz{}beta");
+	/* nested alternations */
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("{{alpha,blort,nested},beta}", "((alpha|blort|nested)|beta)", ePatternRegex);
+	MY_REGEX_FAIL_TEST("{{alpha,blort,nested}beta}");
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("{{alpha,{blort,nested}},beta}", "((alpha|(blort|nested))|beta)", ePatternRegex);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("{{alpha,alpha{blort,nested}}beta,beta}", "((alpha|alpha(blort|nested))beta|beta)", ePatternRegex);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("{{alpha,alpha{blort,nested}}beta,beta}", "((alpha|alpha(blort|nested))beta|beta)", ePatternRegex);
+	MY_REGEX_TEST("{{a,b{c,d}}e,{f,{g,{h{i,j,k},l}m},n}o}", "((a|b(c|d))e|(f|(g|(h(i|j|k)|l)m)|n)o)", ePatternRegex);
+	return rc;
 int main(void)
 	int rc = 0;
@@ -1271,6 +1374,10 @@ int main(void)
 	if (retval != 0)
 		rc = retval;
+	retval = test_aaregex_to_pcre();
+	if (retval != 0)
+		rc = retval;
 	return rc;
 #endif /* UNIT_TEST */

Steve Beattie
<sbeattie at ubuntu.com>
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