[apparmor] [opensuse-project] Google Summer of Code'13 accepted student
Kshitij Gupta
kgupta8592 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 18:47:37 UTC 2013
I've setup the wiki page for the project [
http://wiki.apparmor.net/index.php/Profile_Management_Tools], it'd be nice
if some-one could just scroll through the page. I'll update the blog link
once, I have an initial post ready for the project.
@Christian please add your profile link with your name and maybe your IRC
nick too.
@John , @Christian also you can fill out the schedule for weekly meetings.
The updated config.py using the ConfigParser module will also be updated in
a few hours.
Kshitij Gupta
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the
intelligent are full of doubt.
Bertrand Russell
On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:54 AM, Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8592 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:12 AM, Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de>wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Am Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013 schrieb Kshitij Gupta:
>> > @Christian First off, what mail client do you use? I'd like to be able
>> > to have my replies like you all do.
>> Nearly every mail client supports this style to reply (even Outlook ;-)
>> The main "trick" is to insert your reply in the middle of the quoted
>> mail instead of typing at the first line.
>> I'm using KMail, but the current version has some known issues caused by
>> the switch to Akonadi and Nepomuk. If you want to use KMail, make sure
>> to have the latest KDE version to see less bugs ;-)
>> Thunderbird might be another option. It's the mail client I usually
>> recommend to windows users ;-) (because they can't use KMail)
>> Ahh, that trick's pretty neat. I'm on GNOME though I have the KMail app.
> I'll give it a shot. :-) Meanwhile, lets see if the "trick" works on Gmail.
> ;-)
> > Back to topic at hand, the config wrapper has two additional functions
>> > besides the read and write (which also sets the permissions for the
>> > profiles). So, for the time being I'll keep redo the config file with
>> > the configprofiler module and if later on I can rather easily do-away
>> > with the config library file if its not needed (though I'll note down
>> > this point because I might forget it later on).
>> OK, additional functions are a good argument for a wrapper.
> > Okay, I'll go through the roadmap once again and then setup the
>> > wikipage for my roadmap. (Any naming ideas for the wikipage?)
>> Why not just something simple like "Profile generation tools"?
>> That said, the page name is not too important - and we can still
>> move/rename the page if we find a better name ;-)
>> > Also, a
>> > new name for the library tools package (If we're moving away from
>> > Immunix)? ;-)
>> I'd just use "AppArmor".
>> Okay, I'll have some content from my proposal moved over to a wiki page
> as soon as possible.
>> > As, for the code review John went into the docstrings and comments
>> > which I quite agree too, since Python code in general is pretty
>> > readable in general so a few explanatory comments should be
>> > sufficient. But I suppose a few lines of docstring will not harm (and
>> Comments and documentation never harm, and having a short summary of
>> what a function does and how to call it is always helpful.
>> There's nothing wrong with reading the source, but for a quick overview
>> a good comment is quite helpful ;-)
>> > will be useful when importing the modules, since AppArmor.py will be
>> > pretty long).
>> That sounds like you might want to split it into several files ;-)
>> That is going to be the hardest part I imagine, so breaking down that
> file reasonably is a good idea. I plan to get started with it by the next
> week. (Had been off the work for the last couple of days)
>> > I'll take that the coding style for those few lines was
>> > okay to everyone? ;-)
>> Yes :-)
>> > I think I love the blogpost about the weekly progress idea, so
>> > hopefully I'll try to follow that (Does anyone want me to setup a new
>> > blog for the sole-purpose?).
>> Just use your existing blog - it will give you some additional readers,
>> and if you are lucky, they'll stay for more than the GSoC period.
>> Yeah, I could use some readers and get regular with blogging. :-)
>> > Looks good enough to me, I'll setup my IRC client for that. We have a
>> > variety of timezones (mine being UTC+5:30), though gladly I don't
>> > quite have issues with time since, I spend much of my day (and night)
>> > near my computer. :-D
>> I'd say we can probably meet in what you call "night" and I call
>> "evening" ;-)
> The time of the monthly AppArmor meetings is 20:00 UTC, which might be a
>> bit too late for you (it would start at 1:30 in your timezone if my
>> calculation is right).
> If you like IRC discussions after midnight, we can do the weekly
>> meetings at 20:00 UTC, but 18:30 or 19:00 UTC would also be possible for
>> me. Would that work better for you?
>> @John: what about you?
>> For our weekly meetings, I'm perfectly okay with anything around 19:00
> since I dont expect the discussions to last over 2-3 hours, which isnt that
> late given my routine.
>> > I'll try to be present in the next meeting. BTW, anything on the
>> > agenda requiring my presence?
>> Not yet ;-) but often we discuss more things than initially planned, and
>> those discussions that typically start with a "BTW" can be quite
>> interesting ;-)
>> @John no, you dont need to move the schedule for the AppArmor meeting,
> I'll be available at that time. :-)
>> > @Christian Sorry for the sig, I wasnt aware of the extra space and I'm
>> No problem ;-)
>> > glad you liked my first sig. :-) I'll probably build myself a
>> > collection of those too.
>> If you are interested in the scripts I'm using:
>> http://cboltz.de/en/linux/zufallssig/
>> Nothing magic, but it can save you from re-inventing the wheel ;-)
> Actually, I was gonna script that myself. But I'll probably I'll put that
> off until later and use that. :-)
> Regards,
> Kshitij Gupta
>> Regards,
>> Christian Boltz
> --
>> > bei Bernd ist alles Zufall.
>> Glaubst Du nicht, dass da Kristallkugel.pl zugeschlagen hat? Ich bin mir
>> sicher, dass Bernd sowas auf seinem Rechner hat ;-)
>> [> Michael Schulz u. Manfred Tremmel über Bernd Brodesser in suse-linux]
>> --
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