[apparmor] [PATCH] utils: Ignore unsupported rules

Tyler Hicks tyhicks at canonical.com
Mon Aug 26 21:57:14 UTC 2013

The profile parsing in the Immunix::AppArmor perl module has fallen
behind when it comes to some of the newer rule types and syntax
supported by apparmor_parser.

When an unsupported rule is found, it causes aa-logprof and aa-genprof
to error out. This patch creates a list of valid, but unsupported rule
types that should be ignored by the perl module when parsing policy.

Signed-off-by: Tyler Hicks <tyhicks at canonical.com>

=== modified file 'utils/Immunix/AppArmor.pm'
--- utils/Immunix/AppArmor.pm	2013-08-23 20:02:15 +0000
+++ utils/Immunix/AppArmor.pm	2013-08-26 21:49:46 +0000
@@ -5423,6 +5423,8 @@
                   $initial_comment .= "$_\n";
+        } elsif (/^\s*(audit\s+)?(deny\s+)?(owner\s+)?(capability|dbus|file|mount|pivot_root|remount|umount)/) {
+	    # ignore valid rules that are currently unsupported by AppArmor.pm
         } else {
 	    # we hit something we don't understand in a profile...
 	    die sprintf(gettext('%s contains syntax errors. Line [%s]'), $file, $_) . "\n";

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