[apparmor] Patch: Replace smartmatch operator in AppArmor.pm to fix experimental issue in Perl5.18

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Fri Aug 23 20:01:22 UTC 2013


Am Freitag, 23. August 2013 schrieb Kshitij Gupta:
> A previous bugreport [1] was fixed using the smartmatch operator,
> which raised the minimum Perl version requirement to >=5.10.1 .
> However in Perl5.18 the smartmatch operator has again become
> "experimental" [2] so the following patch replace smartmatch operator
> with grep and thereby avoiding the requirement hike and avoiding
> warnings.
> --- AppArmor.pm.old    2013-08-23 13:53:12.541915111 +0530
> +++ AppArmor.pm    2013-08-23 13:54:00.477913694 +0530
> @@ -3879,7 +3879,7 @@
>                                              $newpath =~
> s/\/[^\/]+$/\/\*/; }
>                                      }
> -                                    if (not $newpath ~~ @options) {
> +                                    if (not grep { $newpath eq $_ }
> @options) { push @options, $newpath; $defaultoption = $#options + 1;
> }
> @@ -3896,7 +3896,7 @@
>                                      } else {
>                                          $newpath =~
> s/\/[^\/]+(\.[^\/]+)$/\/\*$1/;
>                                      }
> -                                    if (not $newpath ~~ @options) {
> +                                    if (not grep { $newpath eq $_ }
> @options) { push @options, $newpath; $defaultoption = $#options + 1;
> }

ACKed-by: Christian Boltz <apparmor at cboltz.de>

I'll commit it to trunk and the 2.8 branch.


Christian Boltz
> You can probably make sendmail play chess if you configure it right.
Judging by its conf file it already does.
Checkmate in 3 moves. [Anthony Mandic in comp.sys.sun.admin]

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