[apparmor] GSoC review r35..39

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Sat Aug 10 16:30:54 UTC 2013


Am Samstag, 10. August 2013 schrieb Kshitij Gupta:
> Sorry, I was lost in deep thought about modes (read as: taking a nap
> ;) ) when you pinged me on IRC.

No problem, and not surprising given the time ;-)

> I shamelessly made a few tiny pushes since you told me you extract out
> diff using a script and dont mind email spam ;)

I even prefer tiny pushes, thanks for doing it this way!

> convert_regex thing regarding [^}] was useful i stumbled on a testcase
> which needed it to be used. :)



Christian Boltz
> Was ist das, "Nacht"?
Das ist der Zeitraum, in dem Du effektiv administrieren kannst. Weil
anscheinend die User alle total faul sind, und sich ausgeloggt haben.
[Wilfried Kramer]

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