[apparmor] AppArmor 2.8 beta2

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Mon Mar 12 22:42:41 UTC 2012


Am Samstag, 10. März 2012 schrieb John Johansen:
> * profiles have been defaulted to chroot relative instead of namespace
> relative 

What does that mean in practise?

To give a real-world example: I have a profile for vsftpd [1] that 
    /home/www/*/httpdocs/** rw,

Users are chrooted to their home directory (/home/www/*/) when they 
login with FTP.

Do I have to change my profile to
    /httpdocs/** rw,
(which would be bad IMHO)? 
If yes, which keyword/flag do I have to add to avoid this?

(That said: does this introduce a syntax change/addition that is not 
listed in your "2.8 syntax changes" mail?)


Christian Boltz

[1] The profile is specific to my setup, therefore I doubt it's useful 
    for the broad audience.
New scheduler deployed on friday was buggy, we learn not to deploy
larger changes on fridays anymore ;)
[Adrian Schröter in opensuse-buildservice]

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