[apparmor] RAppArmor: AppArmor for R

Frankie Onuonga onuonga at live.com
Mon Jul 23 20:02:12 UTC 2012

I know main guys in the community do get busy  but considering they helped
me a lot when I needed to do a few presentations I am also willing to help

If possible I can have a look at this and we discuss on friday.
Is that ok with you?


Frankie Onuonga

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Jeroen Ooms <jeroen.ooms at stat.ucla.edu>wrote:

> Dear AppArmor users/developers,
> I am planning on introducing AppArmor to the R community. R is a GNU
> project for statistical computing, widely popular in academia, however
> security is a long standing issue. I wrote an R package containing
> some interfaces to AppArmor [1][2] accompanied by a paper for the
> Journal of Statistical Software [3] introducing some functionality
> that could potentially be useful for R.
> I realize that there are probably not a lot of R users in here, but if
> someone finds it interesting to give this a try, or has any
> tips/feedback for the paper before I submit it, please get in touch.
> The package can easily be installed from Launchpad. The paper is
> written for R users with no background at all in security; hence it is
> written on a very introductory level regarding security and AppArmor.
> It only scratches the surface of what AppArmor potentially has to
> offer. Nevertheless, I am not a security expert myself, so is would be
> great to get someone with an AppArmor background to look at the paper
> before it is finalized.
> Thanks for all contributions. I am quite convinced that R and AppArmor
> is a powerful combination, and this approach could be very beneficial
> to both communities.
> Jeroen
> [1] https://github.com/jeroenooms/RAppArmor
> [2]
> https://github.com/jeroenooms/RAppArmor/raw/master/paper/RAppArmor-manual.pdf
> [3] https://github.com/jeroenooms/RAppArmor/raw/master/paper/document.pdf
> --
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