[apparmor] [patch] apparmor.vim - pux/PUx permissions

Christian Boltz apparmor at cboltz.de
Thu Aug 18 22:20:08 UTC 2011


another patch for apparmor.vim to allow pux and PUx permissions.

We discussed this already in April, but it never went in.

I intentionally don't allow pUx and Pux since the behaviour of those is 
very unexpected (the first letter decides if the environment is cleaned 
up or not - at least that's the result of the discussion in April - and 
the average user won't know this).


Christian Boltz
Das hätte man auch kürzer sagen können:
| "Please don't use evolution anymore. It's not intended as a
|  mailingprogramm, we're just riding around a little bit on our
|  C-Compilers to find out how to break the rules."
Yes, sir. Nice outlooks.      [Ratti in suse-linux]
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