[Vote] Postman

Bhavani Shankar R bhavi at ubuntu.com
Sun Nov 11 05:55:47 UTC 2012

On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 3:38 PM, David Planella
<david.planella at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Ah, I see. I understand that it won't be a conflict in the archive, but
> it is a bit confusing in myapps:
> https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/postman/
> We have in there:
> - For 12.10 Postman is available
> - For 12.04 Postman is also available
> - For 10.10 an unrelated program called also Postman is available
> I would suggest changing the name of the current app to
> 'postman-uploader' to avoid confusion. What do you guys think?

Thanks for your views David. Now I understood the scenario completely.
I think renaming the app and uploading it again to quantal now wont
overwrite the existing package installed in the extras archive which
is forward copied into quantal on the ARB PPA (Because the package
name is different when uploaded with a different name)

Andrew, Alessio: what do you think?


Bhavani Shankar
Ubuntu Developer       |  www.ubuntu.com

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