App Developer Competition

Jono Bacon jono at
Fri Jun 8 16:24:05 UTC 2012

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know about something that will be happening soon. :-)

For a little while we have been planning an app developer competition.
The idea will basically work like this:

 * The competition will run for three weeks.
 * People are invited to create a new app from scratch in that three
week period and at the end of the three weeks they need to submit it
to a PPA for review. They are required to use Quickly (this is to
showcase our app development tools).
 * At the end of the three week period a panel of six judges will
review the apps on different criteria (Appearance/Design,
Functionality, Quality, and "Interestingness"). The judges will score
each submitted app between 1 and 10 (1 being terrible, 10 being
 * We have some awesome prizes: two System76 laptops for the Gold and
Silver slots, and I am coordinating a Bronze prize too.
 * After these prizes are awarded, we would like to ask the ARB and
Consumer Apps to review these apps and get them into the USC. There
will then be a wider community vote for a two week period where the
hight scores in the USC will also get prizes.

I wanted to let you good folks know about this for a few reasons:

 * Naturally there will be some cool apps that need reviewing and
packaging. Fortunately, these will all be Quickly apps and be PPAs, so
be more straightforward to review.
 * We would like to offer a judging place for a member of the ARB. Our
judging panel will comprise of (2 x Community Team Members (David
Planella and Myself), 1 x Press Person, 1 x App Author, 1 x Designer,
and 1 x ARB Member). Could you folks discuss between you to decide who
will take this slot.

I think this is going to be an awesome competition for raising
awareness of the Ubuntu platform, and getting more cool apps into
Ubuntu. :-)



Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager /

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