Information needed for crabhack

Allison Randal allison at
Mon Feb 13 18:24:30 UTC 2012

On 01/16/2012 05:58 AM, Ubuntu Software Center wrote:
> Hi, Reverting to the points above, most points seem fine for me in the
> 1.2 version attached above but when I see the upstream website i see r3
> as a version and 1.2 as a version here which seems to be confusing and
> could you please consider a consistent versioning as 1.0 as major
> release and 1.3 as bugfix as stated above? Regards, Bhavani

Thanks for the updated package file. So you know, this app isn't being
held up by the version number, it's being held up by a bug that affects
all pyglet apps in Ubuntu 11.10 ("Oneiric"). For more details, see:

This bug does not affect Debian, so if you'd like, we can help you go
ahead with submitting it to the Debian Games Team


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