Free Software apps in Precise

Allison Randal allison at
Tue Apr 24 16:49:38 UTC 2012

On 04/24/2012 05:49 AM, Stéphane Graber wrote:
> I believe quite a few developers replied and their changes are
> currently under review. I don't know how much of it will be published
> by Thursday.

Several are simple "rebuilds with no changes", and one is up in the
staging PPA already. I anticipate Leds, Framingham Calculator and
harmonySEQ will be live before Precise launch.

The scopes and lenses will all be complete resubmissions, since the APIs
changed in Precise. Of those, I know that the Music Scopes and SSH Lens
have a working version for Precise, but there will still be some
integration work.


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