[2016-Goal#1] A NEW Server for Ubuntu GNOME

Tim darkxst at fastmail.fm
Mon Jan 4 10:58:43 UTC 2016

On 04/01/16 21:13, Ali/amjjawad wrote:
>     From what I understood of the thread was you want a new look and feel
>     to the Ubuntu GNOME website, and are looking at various options both
>     within Canonical hosting and outside?
> Not only that but that's the summary of it :)
>     is there anything specific I can help with?
> So, to be specific here:
> Myself as the community manager of Ubuntu GNOME and Tim as the co-founder of Ubuntu GNOME both have no access even to update our website, nor
> install a new plugin, nor do anything special except create new posts and pages. That said, our hands are so tight here and we can't do much
> with such very limited access.
> A side from the fact that we need to change the look and feel of Ubuntu GNOME website with totally different theme, as mentioned above, our
> access is very limited.
Ali, take a step back for a second, if we actually had a theme to install, it would only take a week at max. The real problem is that we have
nothing to install, even if Canonical give me and you access to do that, its not going to change much. Ubuntu cloud is massive, I can't possibly
believe they can't meet our hosting requirements.

I am 100% not going to commit to 3rd party hosting, until there is atleast a demo site, that Canonical say they can't host. To me the beneift of
having canonical taking care of the server is huge, because at the end of the day, whoever volunteers to admin the server could disappear just
as quick.

If we want to go for a 'paid' wordpress theme, then I reckon that could come out of the community fund, or perhaps we could get a slightly
customised site via money from that, clearly this is one area we are lacking in volunteers, its only been about 3 years? now, anyway Popey might
know more about those options.

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