Wherefore art thou, Evolution 3.16?

Paul Smith paul at mad-scientist.net
Sun May 17 04:48:08 UTC 2015

On Sun, 2015-05-17 at 10:26 +1000, Tim wrote:
> On 17/05/15 05:57, Paul Smith wrote:
> > partly it's because Ubuntu always seems to be shipping
> > an older version of Evo than other modern distros,
> also note that evolution has a 1 year release cycle now, so there was
> no 3.14 release, 3.16 was released pretty late to even try and get it
> into vivid.

Yes, I'm aware (I follow the Evolution mailing lists and dev lists
pretty closely): that's why I was suggesting it for GNOME3 Staging.  I
note there are already a large number of GNOME 3.16 apps there.
Although, Evolution 3.16 does work with and can be installed with GNOME
3.14 as well (that's an intentional goal for the Evo dev team).

Unfortunately Evo 3.12 is really somewhat buggy, so it's not just a
matter of nice new features such as the new composer.  For example, I
hit https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=737468 almost every other
time I fetch mail, even with the workaround.  And of course there's the
infamous https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=688434 which keeps
me from being able to use one of my mail/calendar accounts completely.

Thanks for the information: here's hoping someone finds the time to do
the needed work.


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