[ubuntu-art] Reversion to Dapper Artwork

tonic ghatanothoa at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 23:02:07 BST 2006

There is no need to abandon the work. We can definitely do a release of
a "best of" community artwork (it doesn't have to be default, but it
would be nice to have it default available at least - I'll give a use
case after this paragraph). In no way can we make the dudes running this
show use our artwork, but we can find ways to get it out there and
polish the Ubuntu art community in the process.

Rough and ready use case for a "Best Of" community artwork:
Joe installs and boots up Ubuntu Linux. He finds the desktops 'look and
feel' quaint but wishes he could try out some looks in the same theme
but a different style without having to go look for them.

I am not sure how you have been doing things around here since I am new.
I would appreciate it if I could be filled in, or be pointed to some
wiki page that will tell all :) .

Also, do you have a code of best practise for producing art? An example
in regards to wallpapers would be:

Wallpapers must be available in 4:3(standard) and 16:10(widescreen)
aspect ratios. However when producing the widescreen version it is best
to create an extremely similar image that is better suited to that
aspect ratio than to crop or scale the current work.

Finally, it would be nice to see which elements of the Ubuntu art must
relate or conform to each other. e.g. Usplash themes would have to be
consistent in layout with the GDM theme, but the widgets used be
consistent with the Ubuntu GTK theme. This would make it easy to create
and evaluate art. It also helps in keeping an eye on changes that would
need to flow on. If you decide to change direction with the GDM theme,
it will have implications for the Usplash theme.

well, that is probably enough of a yarn for now. Either I am barking up
the wrong tree or... not :)


On Thu, 2006-10-12 at 17:35 +0200, Nicolas DERIVE wrote:
> I agree too with Mark, it is a very great pity to give up all of this work.

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