[ubuntu-art] [polish] FreshWaves Splash Screen

Mark Shuttleworth mark at canonical.com
Mon Oct 2 18:00:07 BST 2006

That's nice Viper, but it's completely different to the directions I've
given Frank and the art team to focus on for the Edgy release.

Please everybody, let's focus this list ONLY on the pieces we are
creating for the default theme of the Edgy release. If you want to help,
please read the page Frank wrote which documents the decisions we've
taken and the direction we are moving in, and contribute ideas that are
STRICTLY within those guidelines. This is your opportunity to make Edgy
rock, and to have your art in the release.

If you have totally different ideas please DO NOT post them to this list
between now and the release candidate, because they will just be noise.

This is why I asked that there be additional mailing lists set up for
new proposals and alternative themes, but since nobody has done that we
need to keep this list clear of distractions.

Thank you,
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