[ubuntu-art] Conference call outcome

Who mailforwho at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 2 15:40:02 BST 2006

On 9/29/06, Frank Schoep <frank at ffnn.nl> wrote:
> Hello fellow artists,
> I'm chiming in to say that Mark, jmak and I have just finished our
> conference call and we've thoroughly discussed ideas for the artwork.
> I took notes during our call and I'll write them down and send them
> to the list this evening, along with the reference images that show
> the desired direction. I will also elaborate on the plan for getting
> our new designs in Edgy.
> With kind regards,
> Frank Schoep

Thanks for the details :)

I just thought I'd chime in to say that I have just started Uni - (it
seems at a very unfortunate time!) and I am pretty busy with all the
'getting started' stuff - no network connection in my room active yet,

I will try and do anything I can towars the ideas here, but my input
will not be nearly as high as I would like... I hoped that doing a lot
before I got to Uni would help but it seems the direction I took is
perhaps too different to reconcile with the new one quickly - If
anyone wants to try then by all means do! I put up all the source

My final comment is that I made some visual tweaks to the logo that I
think improve/polish it without changing the style at all, they can be
found on all the logos in the work here:


Sorry about not being able to be active! Good luck,


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