[ubuntu/yakkety-proposed] postgresql-common 176+git1 (Accepted)

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Mon Sep 26 16:16:51 UTC 2016

postgresql-common (176+git1) yakkety; urgency=medium

  Upload current Debian packaging git to pick up bug fixes and dependency
  adjustment for libreadline7.

  * Replace hardcoded Recommends: libreadline6 with a build-time detection of
    the current ABI.

postgresql-common (176) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.
  * Bump default PostgreSQL server version to 9.6.
  * Use C.UTF-8 instead of C when the initial main cluster is created and no
    locale is configured explicitly as system default. (Closes: #790507)
  * Support "NN" major version numbers, next version will be PostgreSQL 10.
  * debian/postgresql-common.templates: Properly mark not-to-be-translated
    shell code-only chunk as such using flag:translate. Thanks to Rhonda for
    the pointer! (See: #820756, #832282)
  * testsuite: Run with umask 077 only by default.
  * t/025_logging.t: Fix tests when grep thinks syslog is a binary file.
  * t/031_errors_disk_full.t: Raise tmpfs size to account for larger cluster
    footprint observed on ppc64el.
  * t/032_ssl_key_permissions.t: Skip tests on 9.0 and earlier.
  * pg_createcluster, t/025_logging.t: Skip logging_collector for 8.2.
  * Ship /etc/postgresql-common/supported_versions even in non-backport
    packages. (Closes: #808353)
  * pg_createcluster: Error out if provided log file is a directory.
    (Closes: #791556)
  * pg_upgradecluster: Set dynamic_shared_memory_type from the new
    postgresql.conf instead of defaulting to mmap. (Closes: #823209)
  * pg_upgradecluster: Use data checksums in the new cluster if the old uses
    them. (Closes: #830228)

Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 16:07:37 +0200
Changed-By: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Debian PostgreSQL Maintainers <pkg-postgresql-public at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-------------- next part --------------
Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2016 16:07:37 +0200
Source: postgresql-common
Binary: postgresql-common postgresql-client-common postgresql-server-dev-all postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-doc postgresql-contrib
Architecture: source
Version: 176+git1
Distribution: yakkety
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian PostgreSQL Maintainers <pkg-postgresql-public at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt at ubuntu.com>
 postgresql - object-relational SQL database (supported version)
 postgresql-client - front-end programs for PostgreSQL (supported version)
 postgresql-client-common - manager for multiple PostgreSQL client versions
 postgresql-common - PostgreSQL database-cluster manager
 postgresql-contrib - additional facilities for PostgreSQL (supported version)
 postgresql-doc - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
 postgresql-server-dev-all - extension build tool for multiple PostgreSQL versions
Closes: 790507 791556 808353 823209 830228
 postgresql-common (176+git1) yakkety; urgency=medium
   Upload current Debian packaging git to pick up bug fixes and dependency
   adjustment for libreadline7.
   * Replace hardcoded Recommends: libreadline6 with a build-time detection of
     the current ABI.
 postgresql-common (176) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.
   * Bump default PostgreSQL server version to 9.6.
   * Use C.UTF-8 instead of C when the initial main cluster is created and no
     locale is configured explicitly as system default. (Closes: #790507)
   * Support "NN" major version numbers, next version will be PostgreSQL 10.
   * debian/postgresql-common.templates: Properly mark not-to-be-translated
     shell code-only chunk as such using flag:translate. Thanks to Rhonda for
     the pointer! (See: #820756, #832282)
   * testsuite: Run with umask 077 only by default.
   * t/025_logging.t: Fix tests when grep thinks syslog is a binary file.
   * t/031_errors_disk_full.t: Raise tmpfs size to account for larger cluster
     footprint observed on ppc64el.
   * t/032_ssl_key_permissions.t: Skip tests on 9.0 and earlier.
   * pg_createcluster, t/025_logging.t: Skip logging_collector for 8.2.
   * Ship /etc/postgresql-common/supported_versions even in non-backport
     packages. (Closes: #808353)
   * pg_createcluster: Error out if provided log file is a directory.
     (Closes: #791556)
   * pg_upgradecluster: Set dynamic_shared_memory_type from the new
     postgresql.conf instead of defaulting to mmap. (Closes: #823209)
   * pg_upgradecluster: Use data checksums in the new cluster if the old uses
     them. (Closes: #830228)
 2f273b8e13169f4ea15d872f696645dc3c021deb 2269 postgresql-common_176+git1.dsc
 f58d538c7ff4732de6fca6bfcb6e2e9418a44605 199044 postgresql-common_176+git1.tar.xz
 3322a26a893496785fa922da6acb2dc3a93997e08c7fa36382ddd710ca242cb3 2269 postgresql-common_176+git1.dsc
 c97b5d8d0b476e9fd5867e028a96ac518198a9221b0388de67c79c9a5af4094d 199044 postgresql-common_176+git1.tar.xz
 2d343b3f682cb3380c56e2eb15ae6fcb 2269 database optional postgresql-common_176+git1.dsc
 699e90f7d366b853a4f76f4800e6010b 199044 database optional postgresql-common_176+git1.tar.xz

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