[ubuntu/yakkety-proposed] phalanx 22+d051004-14 (Accepted)
costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it
Sun Sep 25 20:58:08 UTC 2016
phalanx (22+d051004-14) unstable; urgency=medium
* Fix FTBS with GCC 6. (Closes: #811584)
* Set myself as Maintainer. (Closes: #835309)
* debian/compat: Upgrade to version 9.
* debian/config: Fix lintian report 'maintainer-script-without-set-e'.
* debian/control:
- Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.8. No changes required.
- Add Vcs-* fields to show where development is done.
* debian/copyright: Update and change Format tag to the accepted one.
* debian/install: Prefer book files in /usr/share/phalanx.
* debian/patches:
- 03_makefile_DEFINES.diff: Refresh to avoid arch specific flags, added
hardening and install book dirs in /usr/share/phalanx.
- 04_PG_setboard_command.diff: Update to remove 'setboard' as it is
applied in other patch.
- 25_arch_compiler-flags: Remove. Avoid arch specific flags.
* debian/po:
- pt_BR.po: New, thanks to Adriano Rafael Gomes. (Closes: #811526)
- ca.po: Update to remove fuzzy translations.
* debian/rules:
- Remove conditional architecture build options. No optimized compilation.
- Add hardening flags.
- Add --parallel option to debhelper.
Date: 2016-09-18 10:22:47.829506+00:00
Changed-By: josgalo at gmail.com (Jose G. López)
Signed-By: LocutusOfBorg <costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it>
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