<html><div>Cancel that. I found a fix. Thanks to veryone who offered help. (I needed to do approx. fsck /dev and then the name of the bad (inconsistent) sector, and then a huge bunch of fix (y/n) yes's. )</div>
<div>P.<br><br>---------- Original Message ----------<br>From: "avengethecathars" <avengethecathars@juno.com><br>To: xubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com<br>Subject: Re: [xubuntu-users] Need help with needing help and support<br>Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2017 22:10:02 GMT<br><br></p>
<div>Thanks for this. Unfortunately, my xubuntu laptop will not boot up, otherwise I would.</div>
<div>I am reduced to using my girlfriend's windows laptop to connect with IRC.</div>
<div>I tried to use two different windows clients, but I get the feeling I was communicating with nobody.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I realize you are not offering help, but I am reaching the end of my patience. My (Xubuntu) root system needs to perform a manual fsck (which I assume is a file system check). However, the only place I can seem to get to is not a terminal place to enter commands (at which I am absolutely a beginner) but rather is " (initramfs) " which does not recognize ordinary commands like those that begin with " sudo ".</div>
<div>Thanks again</div>
<div>Peter<br><br>---------- Original Message ----------<br>From: Peter Flynn <peter@silmaril.ie><br>To: xubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com<br>Subject: Re: [xubuntu-users] Need help with needing help and support<br>Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2017 22:57:25 +0100<br><br>On 06/23/2017 10:04 PM, avengethecathars wrote:<br>> Hello<br>> I humbly need your help because I am out of options. I realize this is<br>> not a help list, but I am reaching maximum frustration.<br>> I am trying to log in to the xubuntu irc help channel.<br>> When I go to https://xubuntu.org/irc/ it tells me to log in via the<br>> interface below. However, my screen shows no interface below. <br><br>I don't know what it was supposed to be, but I assume some kind of web<br>interface to IRC.<br><br>Don't. Web interfaces to IRC suck little black toads.<br><br>Instead:<br><br>sudo apt-get install hexchat<br><br>Then (first time only) enter your chosen nickname (and 2nd and 3rd<br>choices in case your first choice is taken), leave the server set to<br>freenode (Ubuntu Servers) and click Connect.<br><br>When it's connected, change the channel suggested from #ubuntu to<br>#xubuntu and click OK to join the channel.<br><br>Anything you type in the text input area gets sent to the channel for<br>people to read, EXCEPT commands preceded by slash, like /quit.<br><br>///Peter<br><br>-- <br>xubuntu-users mailing list<br>xubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com<br>Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-users</div>
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