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Hi, Yassen!<br>
I feel as you do. Xubuntu is <b>awesomeness on steroids!</b> No distro
is as elegant, functional, and easy to use as Xubuntu! I'm ecstatic!<br>
You asked:<br>
<blockquote type="cite">Is there something like a page suggesting
possible ways to contribute to the project?</blockquote>
Here: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://xubuntu.org/devel">http://xubuntu.org/devel</a><br>
I can't write code, make imaginative artwork, or donate money (yet -
I'm just a kid, recovering from a few months of homelessness). But I
can contribute in my own little ways:<br>
I carry Xubu LiveCDs and give them to friends who express curiosity
when they see how fast and beautifully I got this old hand-me-down
computer running. I blog about Xubuntu and offer support to "converts"
I know. I go to the "Desktop Environments" section of Ubuntu Forums and
try to answer questions about Xubuntu if I can. Truthfully, my
experience has been so effortless and trouble-free that I hardly feel
qualified to offer much help because I haven't had to solve many
problems in Xubuntu, but on occasion I've been able to help new users
with stuff.<br>
That's how I contribute. It isn't much, but it's all I can do for now.<br>
My blog (with lots of Xubuntu fanboy stuff, some screenshots, and rants
and raves about this distro: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://robinsrantsandraves.wordpress.com">http://robinsrantsandraves.wordpress.com</a><br>
Just another fanboy,<br>